Season two quotables: documentation

Aug 03, 2009 19:59

I failed at season one - determined to do better this month; I miss this comm. I'm not promising something for every episode, but between drabbles and documentation you can expect a fair scattering of short contributions. Some bitter, some sweet, some extremely silly.

Prompt: School Hard
Jenny: You have to read something that was published after 1066..

Watcher’s Ready Reference Guide (876 AD. Translated from the Latin 1357. 657th English Edition 1990)
Index to the original.

First, find your Slayer.
Next, train your Slayer
Then, test your Slayer
Fourth, work your Slayer hard
Last, bury your Slayer.

Then, find a new Slayer.


Cordelia: Oh, he's a vampire! Of course! But the cuddly kind, like a Care Bear with fangs?

Caring for your SnuggleVamp (TM)
Your SnuggleVamp needs lots of care and attention. Otherwise he will get sad and broody. Be sure to feed him plenty of fresh blood (virgin’s is Extra Good!). Keep him out of direct sunlight and do not take him to church. If he looks lonely, perhaps you should buy him SnuggleVampira as a best friend?


206 halloween, fiction, 203 school hard

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