14 September 2021: Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, It's Off to the Dentist I Go

Sep 14, 2021 10:06

But first...

Yesterday I documented my daily steps for the period July 15 -- July 28 HERE. I'm going to finish off July and post my August steps now, for my own records, but I'll spare your eyes and put them under a cut.

In dry weather, walk outside everyday. Try for at least 750 steps. Post steps once a week.

Steps, July 29=1,214
Steps, July 30=1,762
Steps, July 31=1,213
Steps, Aug. 1= 0 ​
Steps, Aug. 2= 0
Steps, Aug. 3= 350
Steps, Aug. 4=2,098

Steps, Aug. 5=1,514
Steps, Aug. 6= 667
Steps, Aug. 7=1,059
Steps, Aug. 8= 371
Steps, Aug. 9= 528
Steps, Aug. 10= 0
Steps, Aug. 11=1,386

Steps, Aug. 12= 813
Steps, Aug. 13= 850
Steps, Aug. 14= 585
Steps, Aug. 15= 770
Steps, Aug. 16= 799
Steps, Aug. 17= 557

Steps, Aug. 18= 842
Steps, Aug. 19= 611
Steps, Aug. 20= 47
Steps, Aug. 21= 560
Steps, Aug. 22= 507
Steps, Aug. 23= 627
Steps, Aug. 24= 380

Steps, Aug. 25=5,178
Steps, Aug. 26= 520
Steps, Aug. 27=1,051
Steps, Aug. 28= 25
Steps, Aug. 29= 56
Steps, Aug. 30= 611
Steps, Aug. 31= 854

I think this table illustrates pretty clearly what happens when I don't post my steps weekly: my performance slips drastically. Most of the days where I walked 557 steps or 611, I was content with my achievement, not even realizing I hadn't made my goal of 750 steps. Tsk, tsk.

I'm seeing my dentist this afternoon to have the cap put on my implant. I'm seriously considering walking there:

Google tells me it's 9/10th of a mile. The temperature is predicted to be 87F at 2:00 p.m., so the jury is still out on arriving at Dr. Backiel's office drenched in sweat. Walking home might be smarter, but how shaken up will the experience leave me? So many unknowns, warring with each other! FanSee

september, steps, dentist, backial, 2021

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