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spiffikins. The rest of November's questions and my answers are HERE and
18 When did you last sing to yourself? to someone else? I sing to myself all the time or, in today's case, to my cat. It was sort of a croon in which I informed him he was my 'kitten catten, the best kitten catten ever.' You didn't want to be there and hear me: I cannot carry a tune, even a tune I'm making up.
19 If you could have free, unlimited service for five years from an extremely good cook, chauffeur, housekeeper, masseuse, or personal trainer, which would you choose? Definitely the chauffeur but only if he came complete with car. I no longer own a car nor do I drive anymore, but I do like to go places.
20 Does the fact that you have never done something before increase or decrease its appeal to you? The answer varies depending on what 'something' was. If it was a chance to study a new language, that would increase its appeal. If it was a chance to travel to Mexico where I have never been vs. visiting my granddaughter in California where I used to live, California wins. See what I mean?
21 Would it disturb you much if, upon your death, your body were simply thrown into the woods and left to rot? Why? The idea is disturbing only in that it implies that I came to some sort of unexpected end. I would hope that if my body were left to rot in the woods, the reason that happened wouldn't upset my family. For myself, I wouldn't care. I'd be dead.
22 If you were to become famous, what would you be famous for? Doing something highly unusual for someone 83-years-old, something most people wouldn't expect of an elderly lady, like taking up painting portraits that sell for fabulous amounts of money or machine-gunning a bank. Equally unlikely.
23 Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Yes. I often write notes to myself before I call so I cover everything I want to cover.
24 Do you establish routines in your life? For example, do you usually sleep in the same place in your bed? eat meals at the same time? regularly return to the same vacation spot? Yes, to all three examples.
25 Can you be counted on to do what you say you'll do? In general, yes. I am distractible, however.
26 Do you think there are benefits to feeling grateful? I do, definitely. Being grateful implies dwelling on something good that happened to you. Some recent studies suggest that we are more likely to obsess over things that go wrong.
27 In conversations, do you tend to listen or talk more? Like many of these questions, my answer is, "It depends." It depends on who I'm with, what's going on in my life, my mood that day, and probably a dozen other factors. I am not at all shy, however, so I am capable of dominating a conversation. I try not to.
28 Sum up your personality by choosing three fictional characters that you might combine to make YOU. McTurk of Rudyard Kipling's "Stalky and Co." for his sarcastic tongue, Kate Somerville of Dorothy Dunnett's Lymond saga for her practical approach to life, and Dr. Watson, Sherlock Holmes' sidekick, for my occasional cluelessness.
29 What’s your favorite color in the Crayola 64-crayon box? If you are super-fancy and sophisticated and use the 150-crayon size box, that’s fine, too. Ya diva. Plain old uncomplicated red.
30 What’s your favorite tree? Maple trees, especially in the autumn when they blaze.