9 May 2019: Off To the Doctor I Go

May 09, 2019 12:05

I am almost certain I broke a bone near the little finger of my left hand yesterday. The area is bruised but not swollen; it is painful. Most importantly, it is weak. This morning I tried to move a Melitta cone with my left hand...not even pick it up, just reposition it on the cup...and I could not.

The cone is not a heavy lift.

My doctor's office has walk in hours from 1:30 -- 3:00, and I plan to be there by 1:30. Walking in means lots of waiting until you're seen by a Nurse Practitioner, so I'll take lots of toys with me. My principal 'toy' is my cell phone, but I'll also take the book I'm still reading ("Shadow of the Wind"), too. I expect lots of uninterrupted reading time there and, after I'm sent up the block for X-rays, more waiting time.

I don't think there will be much to be done about a break in a small bone in my hand, but I want the diagnosis and a record of yet another break.

It could be worse. At least I'm right-handed.

I may get back to you with an update tonight. Or I may not, depending on how wiped out I am. All this waiting around can be strangely tiring. FanSee

Update: The doctor I saw today...someone new to the practice...sent me for x-rays. He doesn't think I have a break; I still do. I'm basing my opinion on how the area feels. He seemed to think it would be more painful than it is. I think I just have a high pain threshhold.

I thought I would have the results by now; they should definitely be in my Inbox tomorrow. FanSee

left hand, break, 2019, may

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