Home and Away

Mar 07, 2017 23:07

At home I am still bogged down in income tax hell...and I haven't even started my own taxes yet. I spent a good part of today wrassling with Samantha's. We filed them this weekend, then turned up a brokerage statement we had omitted. They had to be amended. Now we have to send paper copies of both the original 1040 and the amended 1040 to the IRS, which plunged us into printing hell, a section of hell I am all too familiar with. I think I have her federal returns printed out correctly, but the Pennsylvania tax forms still need whipping into shape.

Away from home, I went shopping. My diamond-sharp left big toenail sliced its way through my good sneakers last week. My ratty sneakers have had that same hole in them for months -- since sometime this summer -- and on closer inspection were badly worn, including the beginning of a hole in the sole. They went out in the trash last Wednesday. I have hammer toes...there must be a technical name for that affliction, but even my podiatrist doesn't use it...which makes finding shoes that don't squeeze them difficult. Abeo's work for me if I go up a full size larger than usual. Surprisingly, despite the larger size, the arch in the shoe aligns with the arch in my foot perfectly: very comfortable all around. The new pair is a pretty blue-grey with slightly darker blue accents. I call that dressy in a sneaker.

My single pair of real dress shoes...and they aren't very dressy...are about to fall victim to that same toenail, so I also bought a pair of black, ballet-style flatties. These are also a full size larger than my usual size; I have my doubts about them. They seemed a little slip-slide-y in the store, but I took them home anyway, with the caveat that they might come flying back. I'll buy heel inserts for five bucks and see if they keep the shoes firmly on my feet (always important) without pushing my tender toes too far into the toe. FanSee

toes, 2017, income taxes, shoes, march

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