Inspired by
this thread within the previous post, I started to realise just how little of Cat there is in UnCat in one very important way.
Cat was all about trying to stop the war - suggesting late in AGOT that the northmen sue for peace, trying to get Renly and Stannis to come to terms, etc. She'd lost a lot to the war and the Lannisters, including in no particular order her husband, her sons (or so she thought) and her home, but she never, ever, was out for revenge. She hated Cersei and wanted her dead, but that was as far as it went, and given a choice between vengeance and peace, she'd pinch a Rainbow Guard cloak and wave it around as a flag.
UnCat is all about revenge - on the Freys, the Lannisters and quite possibly other people too who have contributed to her losses in life. Now, after the Red Wedding I can do nothing but heartily approve of Freyicide, but it's the kind of thing that live-Cat would have deplored had she heard of it happening to anyone else, or even, I believe, if someone had broached the prospect to her before the Red Wedding.
Do you think that UnCat can be brought to realise that she is becoming what she detested in life? Do you think this realisation can have an effect on her, with the way she is at the moment? (And do you think that this can be used to persuade her not to make Brienne kill Jaime? Not that I am a fangirl, of course...)