
Jun 02, 2012 15:15

Just another personal entry I don't think anyone would read.
Because it's like, I don't know anyone anymore.

It has been three years.

I remember my first time watching Super Junior MV "U". My first impression was, "How could they dance with so many members?"

I remember my first time watching the shows. Halfway through EHB, it's this flexible boy named Lee Sungmin who captured my adoration.

I remember watching fanvideos. One fanvid called "Return" first got me into Kyumin.

I remember downloading Mini Drama, falling in love even deeper with this pairing.

I remember reading my first fanfiction. I tried going to, only to get scared for life with a story rated M.

I remember browsing in Google, directed at Livejournal. I read a fanfic " Quiet Places" by jishu. It's Yewook, but I'm falling for Kyumin instead.

I remember writing my first Kyumin story. It's written a green-covered book now belonged to my best friend natalia-cho

I remember creating my LJ account, named under "fanmin" because, well, I'm a fan of Min. I started commenting on people's stories. I started joining community.

I remember posting an original story titled "Ten Years", because I haven't typed any Kyumin fanfics yet. I expect no one to read it however this adorable girl dbsjdelight actually did! She encouraged me to write a Kyumin. So I did. I love you, Char!

I remember my very first typed Kyumin story, " (Sighed) I Love You, Hyung". Still too scared to post in community because my grammar issues. She's the only reader. *touched*

I remember Charlene invited me to MSN, introducing me to one of my favourite authors onetruemei. She claimed me as her daughter. I love you, Amma! And I met my twin sister vivalapaparazzi, umma erinherz, aunt tehgirlwonder, and others. This family is incredible! HPI forever~

I remember finally posting later stories in community. More people leave comments. I've got more friends and fans. Nothing could make me happier than knowing my stories are read, liked, and even memmed. Nothing!

I remember not being able to stop writing. I could post up to three stories in a week! With my sister's stellia321 up to date help about Super Junior and other Korean news, I could definitely claim myself as a dedicated ELF.

I remember how everything started to change when my sister left, studying to Busan. I wasn't active in twitter nor facebook, so my knowledge about Korea stopped at that point. I was still writing Kyumin, but no longer that active also because of school. I attended this hell-like high school which didn't let me have fun at all. Everyday, I could only save the Kyumin stories in LJ into Ms. Word and read them at weekends.

I remember how Korean fever started to attack Indonesia due to Boys Before Flowers. I have always been a type of person that dislikes trends, mostly because some people make it hyperbolic and liking the boyband seem not cool anymore, because everyone does. At some point, I stopped reading at miracle. Then stopped kyu_min. Then joyofkyumin. Then stopped writing.

I remember seeing an anime in different light. After knowing the beauty of BL, I could now see hints and canons in anime, particularly Yuu Yuu Hakusho and Cardcaptor Sakura. For these fandoms, I went back to What amazed me; actually the authors there were more...idk. The stories were more interesting, more beautiful, and I moved. My OTP was no longer ONE true pairing. It became OTPs (which is nonsense: one true pairings)

I remember watching BTR on Nickelodeon, thinking that's what I was looking for. A TV Show, fiction of real people instead of a band and an animation. Add music, dance, funny show, handsome boys, and even more talented writers! Some authors got me unable to sleep until I finish reading the story. That, never happened before..

I remember having an urge to go back into Kyumin. I miss Super Junior. I miss my family. I miss the excitement of having a lot of comments (because I got less reviews in Jagan). So I tried. I finished one abandoned story and posted it. I got responses I wished, but...

I don't know anyone except Jacque. Has it been that long?
It's only three years since I first came into Livejournal!

I miss everything. D;/

*rants rants rants*

Okay rantings stop now.

Look at the title! GRADUATION!
Yesss it has been three years studying at this awesome (killer) high school. Finally graduated! Sad to leave friends, but excited~ my UAN score is satisfying enough, and I'm going to Singapore!

Uhh I'm getting old. (But never too old for fangirling)

Well, I don't think I can ever leave Kyumin completely, seeing this is my very first OTP and I've been in this for years. One day I might return with a comeback fic.

For whoever who has read or still browse around my Masterlist,
For everyone on my friends list,
Always, thank you!

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