Another Personal Entry

Jul 06, 2011 00:07

My latest personal entries are always about why and where the hell I've been gone to, so is this one. I'll keep it simple this time.

In LJ I've always been a reader and a writer. Sometimes an illustrator. But being away from LJ doesn't mean I've stopped reading, writing, and drawing.

I still read and write fanfictions. Just no longer Kyumin. Recently I prefer fanfictions over fictions, not over real guys like boyband!fic. I don't exactly know why, maybe because the characters are there, more canon, and... honestly I find fanfictions in are plain more awesome and I just can find what I've been looking for.

I still draw anything. Both K-pop and Anime/Manga and even randomly. And when I'm feeling like it I'll post them in my DeviantArt. You can find links to my and DA up there *points at the top right of this page*.

What's worse is that my K-pop fandom is dying. I listen to Westlife and Big Time Rush now, more often than Super Junior, SHINee, Infinite, 2am, and others.

My sister is back home now so my fandom revives a little. But when she leaves for Korea again, my fandom will die again.

This post could be a goodbye. Could be not. I don't know. :(

If it is then I want to thank all my LJ friends, my 'family and relatives', everyone who read and commented in my posts. It's always my happiness if my stuffs are read and appreciated. ^^


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