Continuing on our theme of "honorable mentions" - which produced some great recs and insightful comments on genre last time - it's time for another round of posts! (You can still add to the list of "genres" by going back to the "let's talk fic" post and adding a comment; and don't forget, you can still post your "Honorable Mention: Hurt/Comfort" picks, too!) This time, we'll explore some exemplary works of an AU nature, courtesy of a suggestion by
So what you do now is:
1) Choose a fic (or more than one, if you feel inspired!) that you feel does the "AU" thing - however you define it - particularly well.
2) Post your own entry to this comm, with the title "Honorable Mention: AU."
3) In that entry, include the following three things:
- The name of the fic.
- A link to the fic.
- At least a brief explanation of why you think this fic is particularly relevant as an example of AU fan fiction. (Note: it does not necessarily have to be one of your personal favorite fics, as long as you think it is exemplary of the AU category.)
Hopefully lots of people will post these, and much discussion will ensue!
Questions or sugerencias for improvement, leave a comment on this post. Same if you have trouble posting - all members should have posting access, but if for some reason that doesn't work for you, let me know!