The show was incredible
I know Gabe's been having problems with his voice, but he sounded pretty good tonight. Those two days of rest must of helped. Ryland did sing a lot, and Gabe talked very quietly after the show at the meet and greet. The show was awesome.
The meet and greet was also quite fun. It was very different than the Panic meet and greet I went to. It was not organized at all. We were all just sitting on a bunch of risers waiting and Ryland came out first. All of them signed everything and took pictures and hugs were allowed. I just got my CD booklet for Viva la Cobra signed and didn't take any pictures. I wasn't in the mood to get my picture taken, so I just didn't bother. I got to tell Ryland and Alex how much I love This is Ivy League which was my major goal for the evening. It's really about the music for me. I think they appreciated it, and Alex talked to me for a minute about Ivy League stuff, which was very cool. He hugged me, just grabbed me and hugged me, I didn't even ask, I didn't ask for hugs from anyone. Very sweet of him.
I thanked Nate for coming to Tulsa and I told Vicky-T she looked gorgeous and I loved her new haircut. Seriously, she looked fantastic. She had a very short skirt and striped stockings. Yum.
I can't remember for sure what I said to Gabe. I know I thanked him for coming to Tulsa. This was their first time here. I talked to him about OKC. He's so freaking hot and TALL, dude, I had to crane my neck way up to talk to him. He's probably a foot taller than me.
It was fun, I had a great time.
ETA: There were a lot of guys at this show, lots more than I saw at OKC. And these weren't just boyfriends, they knew the songs and were throwin' their fangs up. Gabe noticed too, and apologized for having to 'wave his penis around for the girls'. He said he was giving the guys a dance lesson before My Moves are Hot (white hot). There were more than a few guys at the meet and greet, too. There were no guys at all at the Panic meet and greet.
One of the opening bands, I think it was Hit the Lights, did a few seconds of Respect by Pantera and I cannot express to you the bolt of pure joy that gave me. I saw Pantera play that song right there in the Cain's Ballroom many years ago. I'm laughing at myself, but god, that was so awesome.
I'll try to remember what they played, but this is not in order. City is at war, church of hot addiction, hey Mr. DJ, Prostitution, Kiss my sass, Scandalous, Paparazzi, Snakes on a Plane, My moves are hot, Guilty Pleasure.
This guy came on stage and proposed to his girlfriend. He got down on one knee and everything. Gabe said he was supposed to do it during Forever the sickest kids' set, but they forgot about him. She said yes. Later Gabe got down on one knee in front of Ryland :D
During the meet and greet there were a couple of girls who were being kind of gross and actually one of them is a friend of a friend and I was talking to her at one point and after she started acting weird I was kind of sidling away from her and her freaky friend. She had a notebook that said Gabe has a huge cock on one side and Where is Guy Ripley on the other side. She tried to get Gabe to sign that thing but he totally ignored it and signed her shirt. It was so cringe worthy...I wanted to disappear. But I only mention it because before this bit of epic fail happened, she had Ryland sign the Guy Ripley page and he said in Guy's voice "Where is Guy Ripley, oh he's probably drooling over some hot "emo" boy somewhere". You could hear the air quotes around emo, it was so incredibly awesome.
ETA2: There were these two girls in front of me in line to talk to Gabe, twins, and when Gabe asked one of them her name, she said (something hispanic sounding, I can't remember.) and Gabe said "are you Hispanic?" and they said at the same time, in the same exact intonation, "you ask us that every time!" It was funny.