Mar 04, 2010 12:00
I wish I could write.
I really need more tests (well, not really) because then, in procrastination, my muse will work. I had some good ideas for both original work AND fanfiction... and it all died when I wasn't so much procrastinating as I was stressed and busy beyond all reason.
I started making keychains last night. I created the Mentally Challenged StereoBear XD His muzzle is slightly wonky. I'm trying to find a way to salvage him.
Also: It's sad. I can't get ready for the day anymore without checking Facebook, LJ, DD... and GrangerEnchanted. Because my schedule has me waking up at 10-ish and not needing to leave the house until 1-ish, I've got a three-hour gap where I don't do ANYTHING productive.
Okay. Off to try and be productive. I have to return some clothes through the mail and then, it's to the internship for a bit (ug).