(no subject)

Feb 14, 2009 02:51

VA-LEN-TINE'S DAY~! ♥ The time of year when all the lovers finally come together! Confessions, weddings, love, love, LOVE! Chocolates given all around, rose petals softly scattered across the ground, and kisses shared everywhere! And this year in Memento Eden, we have a special event! Stuck to one another--literally! ♥~!

Luckily, I seem to have gotten stuck to someone rather special! Meet Aya, our newest staff member in Moe Moe Memento Eden! And even more luckily for you citizens, she seems to have a special fondness for the moe, as well~!

So, without further ado, I present--


Too deep! Too deep! PULL OUT, CAPTAIN!

This scandalous photo, caught at the scene of the crime, shows Adell clearly touching upon Rozalin's private parts! Why, you may ask? It's for love, of course! What a terribly sticky situation--for ADell, at least! A pervert caught in action! FIFTEEN BOWLS OF RICE! I could eat FIFTEEN BOWLS OF RICE for this! OH HO HO HO HO!

"I feel a little heavier... I wonder why that is?"

This awkwardly scandalous photo depicts Laharl running directly into Tsubaki's chest! Why is that, you may ask? OH HO HO HO! Is it love in the air? Is it something more? Only time will tell, but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!

"Mmmfffmfffmff!" ("Why are you shooting laser beams out of your eyes, Tsuna?")

Mist and Tsuna! Caught into a deep kiss-u?! Though it may seem like the plot of "Kissu Kissu Three" by the popular doujin artist "Renga," it really is reality! Caught in this liplock though it may not be apparent by the terrible photoshopping skills, and discovered by Mist's brother, how will this young couple fare? Their time in the limelight is far from over!

I ship it.

When Etna and Ledah stuck together, only romance could bloom! Our top-notch photographer top the couple in action, as Etna straddled Ledah in a heartfelt embrace! Between these two, I can only say that I could eat TEN BOWLS OF RICE for this! NO! That would only be a side-dish--in the buffet of deep, deep love!

But since it's Valentine's Day, I've recently become aware that a certain Yosuke in Room 410 who rooms with the Bard in the Ari Apartments have been asking about . . . how do you say, girls? Why, Yosuke, Yosuke, Yosuke, there is AMPLE choice in Memento Eden! After careful study, here are the top candidates for your love life--all in a simple game format! All characters are completely IC! Yes, it's--!

Doki Doki Memento Eden!

And for the special route that only I can get to--!

Everyone, stop by and I'll make sure to give you a nice Valentine's Day present~! Don't forget! So have a Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

((Mods, -$130 from Renge for presents to Haruhi, Kyouya, and Kyouya, and small presents for all her other moe friends. Here is a site to where a KHR! visual novel game actually exists. And to round off, I'm not sure why I made this. Or this. Now I'm just going link-happy.

SPECIAL THANKS to Orange, who made the gorgeous cover. No, go ahead, compare the qualities. ♥ x >9000. Am. Am I forgetting anyone? This OOC is too long anyway, so I'll just end it here! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!))

full of innuendo, love is in the food, gained a level in photoshop, if you squint it looks like they're kiss, html heavy, so that's what color pick-up does, what terrible photoshop skills, i ship it, what she does for a living, love is in the air, valentine's day, moe moe special report, too many sparkles, renge/aya otp, sticky situation, art failure, love is in the sub-atomic particles, characters depicted are ic, kyouya, too much rice

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