(no subject)

Dec 23, 2008 17:31

Deck the halls with boughs of yaoi~! Fa la la la la, la la la, laaaaaaaa~!

Isn't this the perfect season to cuddle up with your loved ones? And presents! Oh yes, make sure to leave something special for your beloved under the tree! And to represent the feelings of unity, I want to show you something special!

Uniting love everywhere~! ♥

Renge's Personal Moe Collection, first!

The season--of love! How could anybody forget the wonderful times of looking into the eyes of your most beloved~? The season of chocolates and gifts!

Love overflows in March! Ah, yes, the greenery finally begins to sprout--and perhaps love?

April showers! But what a perfect time to view some sad bishies and ladies, with a dark and mysterious pasts? They stand in the rain, waiting--for love!

Brings May flowers! And blooming just like flowers are lovely girls, tsunderes and lolis alike!

Roses and pearls! And lovely boys, of course. These handsome fellows are just waiting to escort a lady up the stairs!

Fireworks~! And with fireworks, perhaps, some sparks of love? Find your spark in these boys~!

Kyouya~! ♥

School days! And with school days? Comes kitty bentos and teacher love and so much, much more!


November~! Who will you be taking home to meet the parents? Or, oh ho ho ho, who aren't you taking home~?

Winter! Cuddle up with your beloved! And make sure to get some gifts from the various Santas in Memento Eden!

And some awards~!


... I wonder where Yukimaru is hiding. She would have liked the pig-doll that I received...
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