(no subject)

Oct 04, 2008 22:35

An onsen party, an onsen party! Ah, I can already smell the drama stirring up--the shy asking of dates--oh so romantic! Professor Itoshiki, make sure you ask Mr. Ginko! Of course, if someone wanted to ask me, it'd be terribly romantic~!

HOWEVER! I know that many of you are a little too frightened to ask your beloved because you are unsure of their--ahem--sexuality. Never fear! Here's a handy-dandy concise guide about who likes what gender!

((This is the original. Larger images below.))


It seems that most of you are slanted towards the yaoi and yuri direction--oh! Do you know what that means?

Yaoi - Boy on boy love!
Yuri - Girl on girl love!

Remember, remember! For the party, always ask politely, offer to pay for your date's ticket, and buy roses for them when you go there! It's a party, a party! Make sure you dress up nicely!

Edit! I have a date, I have a date~!

♥ Oh, Kyouya~! ♥

[OOC; a-aaaaah it's so ugly ;; If only I had more time! But. Uh. You might be in there. If you squint. orz Pretend it's one consecutive chart! AL-ALSO! Pretend Soren is moved over some to the yaoi section!

Here's how it works: The more to the right, the more to the yaoi/yuri.]

kyouya kyouya kyouya, why is there a rock, kyouya is the best, why do you do this, i ship it, photoshop school hates me, ambiguous degrees of love, needs more moe, yuri, robo-sexual, why is there sushi, mokona is shippable with anyone, yaoi, oh kyouya, art failure, itsuki is shippable with anyone, party hearty, kyouya-centric, so moe for kyouya, yay kyouya, bring the handkerchief, kyouya has a special place

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