(no subject)

Sep 28, 2008 20:37

Really! That was quite exciting, wouldn't you say?

I'm sorry that I couldn't fit all of the good gossip in there! For example, I tried to play it secretive with Erkette's double-dating, but I'm afraid it came out anyway! But I'm quite excited, with her newfound popularity--or should I say his? ohohoho!-- she'll be much better suited in the running for the Ultimate Tsundere! Not only that, but I forgot to include Bridget and Simon's relationship in there! Why, I write smutfic of them in my free time! I have absolutely drawerfuls of doujinshi of them! And let's not forget Squalo and Bel, who are actually so smuterific hot that I could practically drool over them! And I've drawn lots of doujinshi for them, too, but that's to be left secret, ohohohoho!

But I must admit, the best part of this was the yaoi and yuri! Ohohohoho! Ohohohohohohoho!

I'm also delighted to announce that Haruhi was in a host club! I hope Haruhi asks me out for a date! That would be absolutely perfect! Or Kyouya! Yes, he'll be such a gentleman! I'm so excited!

Hmm, I seem to be saying a lot! I wonder if this will be a start of another 'event'~? Ohohohohohoho!

oh renge, nobody can tell this is blabbermouth, why do you do this, renge recap, kyonko, tmi, smuterific, yaoi is awesome, renge report, blabbermouth affects tags, i have homework to do, i am moe for kyonko, what have i done, wink wink nudge nudge, is this blabbermouth, yuri is awesome

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