Summer's over, Fall is here!

Oct 12, 2014 22:36

So yeah, summer's over and I managed to finish Suikyu Yankees. It wasn't the best drama but for Yuto BB, he fared well and the baka trio will always be my favorite.

Speaking of baka trio, the three of them will be having drama this fall, Chiba Yudai will be in Ayase's drama while Taishi and Ryo will be "Jigoku Sensei Nube" so I'm definitely gonna check-out both dramas. Though, I'll probably watch Jigoku first because I like Maru and Chinen, especially Maru since Jigoku will his first Golden time drama. Isn't it amazing?

I'm also keen in watching Nishikido Ryo's "Gomen ne Seishun". I'm not really sold with the plot but it's written by KudoKan so he can never be wrong, right? I'm sure it'll be good. So, I'm also gonna watch that.

However, the drama that I'll probably watch from start to finish will be "Doctor X season 3". I'm a huge fan of the series and I love it since the first season so there's no way that I'm not gonna watch the third installment. Even though I was a bit disappointed with how it ended during the second season, I still want to see the 3rd one because Michiko is such a femme fatale, I hope she'll be my surgeon if ever I need surgery.

Other than that, I also want to Aibou. XD

Cheers to this Fall drama where everything looks awesome so I hope it will be.

I'm supposed to be writing stuff for work this October but well...procrastination hits me hard.



doctor x, japanese drama, nishikido ryo, chinen yuri, maruyama ryuhei, dorama

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