Saturday's Slashtastic Recs

Oct 30, 2010 00:13

Welcome to your Saturday fangirl stop! Really I should call this the “slash” stop. No offense to anyone else of course, or maybe I just haven’t been paying enough attention, but I haven’t seen that many rec’s given to the slash stories of various fandoms out there. I’m a slasher so pretty much all of the following will be slash fanfiction/videos.

In fact… I think only the Labyrinth stories contain het.

In any case, enjoy! I know I have.



Title: Sinners
Author: Ladya C. Maxine
Rating: M
Status: In Progress
Summary: Police trainee Tala seeks the aid of captured serial killer Kai Hiwatari to catch another murderer who is terrorizing Japan. However, Kai escapes and his intentions are as unpredictable as they are dangerous...KaixTala BryanxTala yaoi.
Why I fangirl this: Never had a fanfic terrified me more. Of course, I made the mistake of reading this in the dark… while watching Silence of the Lambs. Not a good idea. Ladya takes the fandom characters and weaves an intricate plot line that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Title: Black Dahlia
Author: Sandylee007
Rating: T
Status: Complete
Summary: After years of separation, the once close Bladebreakers come together again after finding out that Kai is dead. But they learn the hard way that not all in the shadows and coldness of Russia is what it seems… YAOI KaiTal among others, mentions of mpreg
Why I fangirl this: There are so very few really good stories with this couple. I’m happy to say, this is one of them. This fanfic holds one of the greatest mysteries I’ve ever read…and I’m not sure I’ve completely figured it out yet.

Title: The Colour of Envy
Author: Ladya C. Maxine
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Brooklyn can only watch and desire his obsession from afar, and brood over what he can never have.
Why I fangirl this: Obsession is a dangerous thing. This fic gives you just a brief taste of that danger.

.Card Captor Sakura.

Title: Finding the Moon
Author: Madhumalati
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Summary: Fujitaka didn't know what he was getting in for when he brought the Book of Clow home. Touya, however.....set before the anime.
Why I fangirl this: Touya is such an enigma in the manga/anime and this fic only adds to that. Probably one of the best characterizations I’ve ever seen.

Title: The MoonRuled
Author: Madhumalati
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: The first two seasons of CCS, told from a certain Moon Guardian's viewpoint. The behind the scenes story of what REALLY happened. TYY, implied CY. Read and review!
Why I fangirl this: I’m a Yue fangirl. Sadly there is a serious lack of fics about him solely. This fic really delves into Yue; his personality, his morals, why he is the way he is…

Title: Dual Orbit
Author: Madhumalati
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Sequel to The MoonRuled. As Sakura struggles to transform the Cards and Yue begins to weaken, the Guardian makes some surprising discoveries about Touya, Clow, Yukito...and himself. TYY, CY.
Why I fangirl this: As the sequel to the above I had to read it. The manga & anime barely touch on the torture Yue is going through during this period of time. This fic is everything that was missing.

Title: Master
Author: kuonji
Rating: G
Status: In Progress
Summary: Clow begins his life's greatest work, and he and his creations learn and grow together.
Why I fangirl this: Perfect characterization of Clow. I could see this one being canon.

.Gundam Wing.

Title: Frequency
Author: Catch23North
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: Heero taps into a scrambled transmission. Duo reads over his shoulder, and they get a lot more than they bargained for. Rating is for language and a slashy Freudian slip.
Why I fangirl this: The Gundam’s have to talk to each other right? It’s funny and a view few ever look at.

Title: Interrogation
Author: neko no warai
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: The mission was a set-up. One by one, the pilots had been caught and locked away. They all knew what was coming next; interrogation. And Heero’s suddenly decided that his new mission is to keep the others out of it. //Slight 2x1. Non-graphic torture//
Why I fangirl this: Heero always struck me as the type that once he made friends he would protect them at all costs. This fic just proves that fact. Plus I’m a total angst lover and this gets 5 stars for angst.

Title: Or By Opposing
Author: Sakura Tsukikage
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete (I think it’s a one-shot but it does say “one” at the top so…)
Summary: After the end of the battle against Mariemaia, Duo visits a wounded Heero in the hospital and they discuss, among other things, where they'll go from there.
Why I fangirl this: Endless Waltz goes from Heero unconscious in Relena’s arms to Heero watching her give a speech and then disappearing. You have to know Heero was wounded pretty badly after everything he went through and Duo’s not the type of guy to just leave his best buddy hanging.

.Yu Yu Hakusho.

Title: Partners
Author: Tawnya Kisaragi
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: "Come here to gloat?" "I came to get you out." A version of the events that lead Hiei & Kurama to working with Yusuke after the Reikai Hiest. Why? Because I could...
Why I fangirl this: Perfect characterization. Could be canon.


.Blood Ties.

Title: That Night Near Charles Street
Author: Paunakan Jen
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: Bookverse - How Tony Foster and Henry Fitzroy hooked up after the events in "Blood Price." Inspired by the line "A memory of a night in an alley off Charles Street back in Toronto surfaced" from the book "Smoke and Ashes."
Why I fangirl this: The line that inspired this fic is one of the most intriguing in the entire book. You have to wonder what happens. Well this fic gives you a first hand look.

.Final Fantasy VII.

Title: Mad World
Author: etrix
Rating: NC-17
Status: In Progress (near completion)
Summary: Sephiroth returned from the Lifestream to a changed world determined to find the two who saved him at Nibelheim. Hojo and a group called ‘Deepground’ control half the planet and ShinRa is in shambles, but that’s not going to stop him.
Why I fangirl this: Ever read a fic that takes the facts and twists them in just a way that it could be canon if just one thing had been changed? Yeah. This is that fic.

Title: The Madness of Angels
Author: amarissa
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Summary: SOLDIER cadet Zack Fair's apprenticeship to Angeal Hewley draws him into the secrets of ShinRa, a series of bizarre murders, and new feelings of his own that will have to be confronted. Crisis Core and before, the angsty, yaoi way. Complete.
Why I fangirl this: I was a bit freaked out in the beginning but mostly written from Zack’s POV I just had to know… and there’s going to be a sequel!

Title: Never Alone
Author: saxgirl42
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: When their first mission together goes horribly wrong, Rude makes a solemn promise to his new partner. Rated T for language and some gore.
Why I fangirl this: Everyone has to start somewhere. This was probably one of the first fics I read that centered on Reno. It remains one of the best.

.Harry Potter.

Title: Scribbles in the Margins
Author: MischiefManaged16
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: One shot. It was not a widely known fact that prisoners could receive letters in Azkaban. SiriusXRemus. Takes place over the years that Sirius was in prison, then OOTP. Anger, some language, but a happy ending!
Why I fangirl this: Like many I never believed that Remus broke all contact with Sirius when he went into Azkaban. I highly doubt he completely believed Sirius’ innocence as well.

Title: Welcome Home
Author: twouble
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Summary: Mr Padfoot and Mr Prongs would like to welcome Mr Moony home. Oneshot. Sirius & James meet Remus on the other side... R&R!
Why I fangirl this: Best friends stay best friends. You just know that James and Sirius were waiting for Remus.


Title: An Equal Partner
Author: Solea
Rating: M
Status: Discontinued?
Summary: Sarah inadvertently wishes herself back into Jareth's power and reluctantly agrees to marry him so that she can visit her family.
Why I fangirl this: I believe Solea was wished to the Labyrinth themselves. This story is that perfect.

Title: Time Changes Us All
Author: Fyreheart
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: Years have passed since Sarah defeated Jareth. How are they doing?
Disclaimer: I don't own any part of the Labyrinth.
Why I fangirl this: A view I always wanted to see.

Title: The Power of the Right Words
Author: mlle-mystique
Rating: PG-13
Status: In Progress
Summary: After Sarah defeats the Labyrinth problems arise that Jareth is powerless to solve. Soon Jareth's entire realm is threatened by a deep evil that only Sarah can conquer. Can Jareth convince her to come back, and perhaps stay forever?
Why I fangirl this: Words have power. I have always believed this and this fic just drives that fact home.

Title: Of Cupid and Psyche
Author: Chibi-no-oneesan
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Summary: Sarah left Jareth nursing a broken heart in the Underground. What she didn't know was his mother was so furious at the state of her son, she set a curse upon Sarah Williams. And the only person who can save her is the Goblin King. rating increased
Why I fangirl this: Honestly? Some of the BEST imagery I have ever seen.

.Lord of the Rings.

Title: Hero in his Eyes
Author: Caunoiech
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: And heavy AU, some book verse, some movie. Basically a description of an aspect of Legolas and Aragorn’s perspective. Character death.
Why I fangirl this: I always loved the friendship between Aragorn and Legolas.

Author: Adromir
Status: All stories are currently complete.
Summary: This author has written an amazing series entitled "The Mayan Series". There are currently 39 stories in the series, hence why I post the link to the author instead of the stories. They are all worth reading!
Why I fangirl this: Adromir has created a world within Tolkien’s world, one that I am absolutely fascinated with.

.Star Wars.

Title: Swiftly Tilting Galaxy
Author: imadra_blue & rabidfangurl
Rating: M
Status: On Hold
Summary: In a galaxy where Qui-Gon Jinn did not die at the Battle of Naboo, the Republic is on the brink of war. Qui-Gon and his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, are assigned to protect Senator Padmé Amidala on the eve of a crucial vote. But when the Senator's life is threatened, events spin out of control. Through half-truths and manipulations, the Separatist leader, Count Dooku, lures Qui-Gon over to the dark side. Meanwhile, Qui-Gon's former Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is assigned to train Anakin after the death of Obi-Wan's own Padawan. But what will happen in this swiftly tilting galaxy, where friends have become enemies and rivals may just become something more?
Why I fangirl this: What if Qui-Gon had gone to the Dark Side? What if Obi-Wan had his own Padawan? What if Obi-Wan nearly died, more than once? What if… Yeah, the what if’s are why I fangirl.

Title: The Unchosen
Author: Laura of Maychoria
Rating: PG-13
Status: In Progress
Summary: QuiGon’s parents chose not to give him to the Jedi as an infant. Now he lives the simple life, content in doing good where he can. But missed opportunities have a way of coming around again. AU with young ObiWan
Why I fangirl this: Another of those “what if” scenero’s.

Title: In Three Acts
Author: Imadra Blue
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: In three acts, young Anakin learns what really belongs to him. Gen, but with two background pairings, one het and one slash.
Why I fangirl this: Anakin is a spoiled brat. I love fics that keep that.

.Tin Man.

Title: Perfect Portrait
Author: magicscalpel
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: “If you’re so keen on a pretty picture, then why don’t you take my place and I’ll take my leave?” CainGlitch friendship.
Why I fangirl this: I love Cain & Glitch paired together but this fic is just such a priceless friendship fic. It’s just lovely.


Title: Faith and Fate
Author: Twilight Zephyr
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: Things can change so quickly... and turn everything on its head. JxE, oneshot
Why I fangirl this: I always felt Bella was a little…unstable and this just played on that so well. It also shows the loyalty between the pack members and a bit of a different look on imprinting.

Title: Imprinted
Author: Iamwiththewolf
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Summary: The missing chapter of Eclipse. Jacob imprints, reluctantly. He finds his TRUE love. And it's not Bella... Guess again... EdwardJacob slash
Why I fangirl this: It’s passionate, full of anger, surprise and remorse. The perfect imprint confession.

Title: Basic Imprinting
Author: starry_nights88
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Jacob only understood the basics of imprinting, but he finds himself getting a crash course on the subject when he imprints on someone totally unexpected. J/E Slash
Why I fangirl this: The kiss. OMG the kiss in the shower. The kiss in the shower in ch. 13. S-E-X-Y.

Title: Waxing Gibbous
Author: Lady Shadow
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Summary: Edward and Jacob are both left at loose ends in the aftermath of Bella's transformation. EdwardJacob.
Why I fangirl this: One of the few stories where Bella isn’t who she is set up to be. This forces Edward & Jacob together. Lady Shadow doesn’t really like the whole “imprinting” thing. She captures that in this story.

Title: An Acquired Taste
Author: SlashyDrunkard
Rating: PG-13
Status: In Progress
Summary: One year changes the lives of Jacob Black and Edward Cullen forever. Their hate and misunderstanding toward each other eventually turns into a forbidden love that could end up tearing their family and friends apart.
Why I fangirl this: Talk about an original take on the canon! I absolutely love the twists this story plays out.

Title: Southern Comfort
Author: bookbag
Rating: M
Status: In Progress
Summary: Growing up in a Southern life of privilege was never easy for Edward Cullen, his life had always been planned for him. But when he moves back to the old family estate to oversee the restoration, will he find more than he bargained for? AH, OOC, Slash, ExJ
Why I fangirl this: There’s just something sexy about the south, isn’t there? Throw in a slow blooming relationship and it’s total win.

Title: The Sweetest Addiction
Author: Maddie Grey
Rating: M
Status: In Progress
Summary: Dear Jacob there are a million things I want to tell you. I think I'm in love with you. I think you're messed up but so am I. And lastly I feel compelled to protect you from everything. Even yourself. Jake & Edward. AH. Slash.
Why I fangirl this: Want original? This is the story! The characterization is just… amazing.

Title: Unexpected
Author: hylian-dragoness
Rating: PG-13
Status: In Progress
Summary: What if Bella never came to Forks right away? What if Jacob saw the Cullens and imprinted on one of them right after turning into a wolf? Oh, it's bad enough imprinting on a vampire, but did it have to be a male AND a mind reader? SLASH Mpreg Edward/Jacob
Why I fangirl this: Jacob imprints and hilarity ensues. Usually it’s so serious. This is very refreshing.

Title: Complexity
Author: twilightscribe
Rating: PG-13
Status: In Progress
Summary: Volterra was his prison, an entire city, but it didn't make up for the fact that he was alone and tortured. There had to be something to make this death sentence worthwhile. Slash; Mareth
Why I fangirl this: Who would have thought a crack pairing could be so believable?

Title: A Very Underestimated Emotion
Author: Rockstorm
Rating: PG-13
Status: In Progress
Summary: It was an accident-a mistake. A chemical reaction, spurred by impulsiveness and driven by passion and stupidity. But neither one of them can stop, and now Jacob is making it even deeper and dragging Edward down with him. -Edward/Jacob; Eclipse rewrite-
Why I fangirl this: Totally canon… except for the slash. It’s yummy.

Title: Time Stands Still
Author: bloodyrose82
Rating: Eventually NC-17
Status: In Progress
Summary: Starts where New Moon left off, and kinda just goes straight off left field from there. *coughs*
Why I fangirl this: It goes left field is right. So bloody original it’s not even funny.

Title: a golden tinge; a reddish hue
Author: ansera
Rating: I’m gonna go with PG… the author rates it “frao”.
Status: In Progress
Summary: After almost a century at the Volterra, living with the members of the Volturi, Edward Cullen pays a visit to his family in Forks. There, he hears a voice in his head, that of a boy whom he's never met.
Why I fangirl this: An interesting twist on the canon.

Title: Interference
Author: cherrybina
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete
Summary: Alice wants to do something special for Jasper's birthday, but Edward has other plans. Edward/Jasper/Alice
Why I fangirl this: I’m not usually one for threesomes… but it’s hot and sexy.


Fandom: Labyrinth
Title: You And Me
Maker: nuintincowen
Why I fangirl this: A very lovely video that was put together well.

Fandom: Code Geass
Title: Always
Maker: rini10010
Why I fangirl this: This video has a very clear cut feeling and shows the relationship of Suzaku/Lelouch perfectly.

Fandom: Twilight
Title: A Lullaby For The Wolf
Maker: Akarai92
Why I fangirl this: Normally I don’t like videos that use more than one source. But this one. It forms a beautiful relationship and really shows the hints that was in the canon.

Fandom: FFVII: AC
Title: Mad World
Maker: LuluDivine79
Why I fangirl this: The clips of this vid fit with the song so perfectly. I really don’t think there’s a better put together vid out there.

Fandom: FFVII
Title: It’s My Life
Maker: majjamis
Why I fangirl this: Heh. I just recced this vid today to a friend. The clips are gorgeous, of course that is due to Square Enix being a master of CG. But it’s also put together just amazingly. The song really fits all the characters, especially Zack, who I <3

Fandom: FFVII
Title: Love Song Requiem
Maker: Sheikrim
Why I fangirl this: This is the vid that made me fall in love with the band “Trading Yesterday”. It’s the vid that makes me want to get and learn how to use the Sony Vegas program. The layering… the timing… it’s all perfect. It’s the ultimate Zack/Cloud fanvid.

Tags to be added please?: Beyblade, Yu Yu Hakusho & Code Geass.

star wars - prequels, !official fangirl tour stop, twilight, blood ties, tin man, labyrinth, harry potter, lord of the rings, code geass, gundam wing, yu yu hakusho, final fantasy 7, card captor sakura, beyblade, multi-fandom

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