August 27 09 Fangirl Thursday

Aug 27, 2009 00:21

Hey, everybody! Fangirl here! Ya'll might know me better as the UglyKitten, but this is my first time posting to the Tour. I really enjoyed picking out thirteen pieces for your reading and viewing pleasures. Sorry about posting WAY super early, I've got an early class in the morning. Just so's ya'll know, I read fanfic all over the interwebs and I'm sure my choices are going to reflect that. I began reading (and writing) fanfic over ten years ago and I'm still going strong. We'll start with Harry Potter and go on to the others after. =) Without further ado, on to the reccs!

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Sola Fida
Author: Iaragon
Link: Sola Fida
Rating: M
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Devotion is something that comes with time. Ivy will do anything to make him see himself as a man, even as she herself grows into a monster. RemusOC. Marauder Era.
Why I fangirl this: I first stumbled on this author through a Yu Yu Hakusho fan fic (which is being rewritten if you love YYH, called Matchbox). Her original characters are usually very well-done. I love Sola Fida in particular because it takes a great idea and just keeps building on it. I just adore Ivy and her relationships with all the other Slytherins and Gryffindors in general. Love quirky OCs? Remus in general? Read this one!

Fandom: Harry Potter/X-Men Crossover
Characters/PairingsScott/Hermione, mentions Scott/Jean
Title: The Room with a Computer
Author: Minisinoo
Link: The Room With A Computer
Rating: roughly PG
Status: Complete in Four Chapters
Summary: Hogwarts has a new professor of Muggle studies -- who happens to be a Muggle. McGonagall is skeptical, Hermione is curious, Ron is jealous, Ginny is impressed, and Harry has questions. Arthur Weasley finally gets a plane ride.
Why I fangirl this: I stumbled upon this by happy accident before I saw any of the X-Men movies. It is so in character on all parts - Scott, Harry, Hermione, Dumbly, Xavier, even Draco Malfoy and Arthur Weasley. It’s fun, fanciful, and just the right amount of everything. And I love the plane!

Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/PairingsSeverus/Hermione, Draco/OFC, and too many others to count
Title: Looking for Magic
Author: Hypnobarb
Link: Looking For Magic
Rating: M
Status: Incomplete at 115 chapters
Summary: Severus Snape and Hermione Granger deal with traumas past and present and find they have more in common than they realize as they prepare for the ultimate confrontation with Voldemort. SSHG pairing. Not HBP compliant. This is a novel length story.
Why I fangirl this: I’m going to be quite clear here when I say this is my all-time favorite SSHG. It was my first and the most convincing I’ve yet read anywhere (though LadyTuesday’s Bundle of Joy is a close second). Hermione’s university is believable, the reasoning is all sound, and the link between Muggle chemistry and Potions is phenomenal. I will simply beg you to read it and hope you heed my warnings that you will be hooked. And pray to the gods with me (or whatever your religious affiliation might be) that Hypnobarb’s real life gets better and she herself heals from whatever malady is ailing her. =(

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Bundle of Joy
Author: LadyTuesday
Link: Bundle of Joy
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Summary: Seeking: An intelligent, capable wizard amenable to assisting a bright, independent, magically-formidable single witch in the conception of a child. Insemination only: no sexual congress; non-negotiable. Dignity and discretion of utmost importance. Neither monetary nor emotional support needed for or during the birth and life of child. Further contact will be established following receipt of preliminary letter of interest. Address all inquiries by owl to Joy Bundle, Box # 1086, Hogsmeade Village .
Why I fangirl this: I’m a bit of a newbie when it comes to the SSHG community in general, so when I see someone like LadyTuesday, I tend to get a little starstruck. ^^; She’s my favorite celebrity writer, so much so that sometimes I have trouble leaving reviews (which is prolly why ya’ll might not recognize me). To me, it ain’t too far off the mark, because I love her stories so much. If you haven’t read this one yet, grab some tissues, sweets. This story contains one of THE most memorable love-making scenes in existence. I will never forget that scene.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairings Severus/Lucius
Title: A message from Snape
Author: gilll
Link: A message from Snape
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Summary: Severus has a message for us fangirls.
Why I fangirl this: Gilll is absolutely hilarious on so many levels. Picking just one of her pieces was heart-ripping. Take a peek around the whole gallery. X3

Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairings Severus/Hermione
Title: Care of Magical Creatures
Author: Mia madwyn
Link: Care of Magical Creatures
Rating: NC-17
Status: Complete
Summary: Seventh-year student Hermione Granger decides to marry the one eligible wizard who did not ask for her--the horrid but powerful Severus Snape. All is not sweetness and light. Be careful what you ask for. Or, as has been said by many a wise witch, "Marry in haste; repent in leisure." MLC
Why I fangirl this: This is possibly the best MLC ever written and it’s only recently completed, too. I like the realistic backing on it, and how everything just fits into what I view Hermione and Severus as a couple. It’s a tad long, but stick with it through the end. The twists alone will have you hooked.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairings Draco, Hermione, Lucius
Title: The Swing of the Pendulum
Author: Unknown
Link: The Swing of the Pendulum
Rating: NC-17
Status: Incomplete
Summary: Many people were affected by Voldemort-his followers, his victims, and the innocents who had been caught up in the war. After the war is over, how are they dealing? As the Wizarding world recoups, rebuilds, reorganizes, and adjusts to the social and economic changes caused by the aftermath of war, there are still people fighting to correct the wrongs that are out there. Hermione is one, so is Draco. Lucius is another.
Why I fangirl this: The thing I don’t like about a lot of the MLCs (love them though I do) is that many of them are legally odd. They don’t make sense in a government sense. This one is redefining those notions again and again. I really wish I knew who the author was!! It’s just that awesome.

Fandom: Wall-E
Title: Wall-E: Please Stay With Me
Artist: Aeolus06
Link Please Stay With Me
Rating: PG for cartoon violence
Status: Complete
Summary: A personified depiction of a heart-rending scene from the movie, showing Wall-E and Eve.
Why I fangirl this: This artist is extremely good at what he does and seriously needs some lovin’, squeein’ fangirls. This isn’t the only thing he’s done, but this is so simple and beautiful. Take a good look ‘round his gallery, particularly the Childhood Cuties series and anything of his character Hector/Voltage. If you love comics and cartoons as much as I do… you’ll be hooked.

Fandom: X-Men (Movieverse)
Characters/PairingsRogue/Wolverine or Marie/Logan
Title: More Than A Rogue
Author: September
Link: More Than A Rogue
Rating: NC-17
Status: Almost Complete
Summary: Sometimes we get the balance wrong. Life is not about knowing the answers, life is what happens while you're looking for them. And the bad decisions? The screw-ups? They're what keep it interesting.
Why I fangirl this: First-person, HOT as Hell, and it just keeps giving. I didn’t stop reading it till I was done. Fast-paced, heart-pounding and so gritty and real and oh-so-yum! If you have never read in this fandom before, please, please, please give this one a shot. You’ll be hooked by the end of the prologue.

Fandom: Gundam Wing
Characters/PairingsQuatre/Trowa, Heero/Duo, Duo/Quatre as friends
Title: A Murder of Crows
Author: Karen
Link: A Murder of Crows
Rating: M
Status: Complete, with Incomplete Triquel
Summary: Quatre and the rest of the boys had just completed a mission, when all hell broke loose. The five boys were forced to retreat to an abandoned house where they found out that it wasn't abandoned after all, and that their "host" wanted something from Quatre....his life. Pairings: 4+3, 4+OC, 2+1. [12 parts, complete]
Why I fangirl this: Astute readers of my site will discover that my very first forays into fanfic were Gundam Wing, in 2002. This lovely tale, which has an SSHG story of the same name, is one of my first fan fics and is quite a classic in spite of the fact that the author is still working on it after eight (!!) years. The story is AU and I doubt you’d have to have seen more than a couple episodes to really get it. Quatre is the main character, first-person, which is a rarity in this fandom. The plot twists alone are enough to keep you on your seat. I re-read this a while ago and still couldn’t put it down.

Fandom: Full Metal Alchemist
Characters/Pairings Ed, Al, and kitties
Title: Ed + Al-CAKEandDRINK
Artist: dreamworldstudio
Link: Cake and Drink
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Summary: Ed and Al with apple pie courtesy of Winry. And milk for the kitties!
Why I fangirl this: Bettina Marie Kurkoski is an up-and-coming comic book artist who dabbles in fan art on occasion. I adore her work in general, but this piece is just soooo cute! Ed, Al, kittens, and pie. What isn’t there to love? If you love kitties, check out her comic My Cat Loki, too. =)

Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters/Pairings Riku/Sora
Title: Ordinary Wonders
Artist: NanjoKoji
Link: Ordinary Wonders
Rating: PG-13 (same sex kiss)
Status: Complete
Summary: A casual picture, nothing special, and that's what makes it special somehow. There are the things that happen unnoticed and every moment. Everyone has a life, and still our part of it is the whole world to us. These are our ordinary wonders.
You're my world.
Why I fangirl this: There is just something so very beautiful and haunting about these two cosplayers. They’re girlfriends IRL and they easily portray boyfriends. This is one of my favorite photographs. Check out the rest of her gallery!

Fandom: CrowFeathers
Characters/Pairings Chase
Title: Blood on my Hands
Artist: Wolfbites
Link: Blood on my Hands
Rating: PG (for man nipple!)
Status: Complete
Summary: Chase staring forlornly at his hand.
Why I fangirl this: Okay, this is fanart of an original webcomic, so really I’m double-reccing. Also, I’m also going to encourage you to read Wolfbite’s own webcomic, so it’s more like triple. Chase is just gorgeous in this piece and Wolfbite REALLY needs an ego-boost on many levels. She’s a wonderful artist with a beautiful style. You can click on Wolfbite’s link to get to Sagebrush’s site, where she’s got Crowfeathers.Net plastered everywhere. =)

!official fangirl tour stop, original, wall-e, harry potter, kingdom hearts, gundam wing, disney, x-men - movieverse, full metal alchemist

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