Just a few things...

May 20, 2009 15:08

Sign-ups are still open, so if you're wavering about signing up to play in this round of the Tour, there's always room for you. ;)

Also, this a reminder that if you are participating in this round of the Tour, you must be a member of the community to post to it. If you've friended the community, then you're watching it, and it will show up on your flist, but that doesn't mean you're a member. If you haven't yet joined the community, click here to do so.

Currently, firefly_124 and I are looking at a Monday-Wednesday-Friday posting schedule, which will run the Tour into the first week of October. Some of you had mentioned during sign ups that there were specific dates that were better or worse for you. We've noted those dates so we won't schedule you to post during an inconvenient time frame. However, if your situation changes or something comes up (or if we just screw up completely, which is always possible), please contact us to let us know. We'd rather fill in than leave a blank space on the Tour. Our email is fangirltour@gmail.com, or you can PM either of us on LJ.

There will also be a few rules implemented. While The Fangirl Tour is all about having fun, past experience with other communities has taught us that a few rules are always necessary. ;) We'll be posting those rules next week, but they're commonsense stuff like using an LJ cut and not linking to flocked posts since not everyone has access. We'll also post a suggested header for you to use. It's not mandatory (little about the Tour is mandatory), but people tend to absorb material better when it's presented to them in the same fashion each time.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We'll be happy to help in any way that we can.


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