Fangirl Tour 2009 - Sign Up Post

May 13, 2009 15:20

Is anyone interested in a 2009 round of The Fangirl Tour? In an effort to tempt you into playing, my co-mod, the lovely firefly_124 (who is so organized that she makes me green with envy!) provided the following stats on the last round of the fangirl_tour:

There were 703 separate (not duplicated) recs in 81 fandoms for 428 authors and 102 artists, with 568 recs for fanfic, 119 for fanart, and 10 for vids. The top 3 fandoms were Harry Potter (370), Labyrinth (60), and Buffy (28), and the top 3 ships were Snape/Hermione (147), Sarah/Jareth (46), and Snape/Harry (22).

The rules for the fangirl_tour are simple: A baker's dozen (that's thirteen for those of you who avoid carbohydrates) recs per post, any fandom, any genre, any pairing. Art, fic, video, essays - all are fair game. If you fangirl it, we want to know about it. So, if you're interested in participating, please comment to this post.

Sign-ups begin today and run through May 31, 2009 (or longer, if someone turns up late to the party.) Posting will begin on June 1st, and the first slot has already been assigned to me. ;P We'll determine whether we have a bi-weekly or tri-weekly posting schedule after we see how many people sign up.

Scheduling is on a first signed-up, first-to-post basis, but since The Fangirl Tour is all about the fun and not about the pressure, we'll work with you to set up a different day to post if you have a scheduling conflict.

Even if you're not interested in participating in this round of the Tour, would you consider pimping the Tour in your journal? We'd appreciate it, and while my flist is heavily HP and Labyrinth-centric, there are tons of other fandoms in which y'all are active, and since the Tour is pan-fandom... Well, the more, the merrier.

If you'd like a shiny banner to go along with your pimping, here you are:

So, comment below if you want to participate in the 2009 round of the Fangirl_Tour. ~rubs hands together gleefully~ I'm looking forward to all the recommendations!

!sign up post, !admin

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