Fangirl Friday

Jul 26, 2008 00:28

I have to limit myself to thirteen recs, apparently. And how shall I do that...

There will be less HGSS than you would expect.

Five Years Heyer Slash from Venetia.

It's not long, and it deals with Aubrey, his attraction to Damarel who loves his sister, and eventually finding happiness. It's rather sweet.

Adeste Fidelis, Satanas, more Heyer slash from These Old Shades Hugh/ The Duke of Avon

Long Time Passing Sirius and Kathleen, from Dogsbody by Diana Wynne Jones finally get their happy ever after.

In a Name Vetinari and Vimes from the Discworld, not slash, but an exploration of their relationship.

Death Insurance Death/Vetinari slash. Oh yes, Death and Vetinari slash. ~giggles insanely~

Appealing to Aengus Sayers, Harriet / Peter

I cannot bring myself to do Jeeves/Wooster slash, so I give you Psmith/Mike instead. Psmith ails

Erlkonig by Subtilior, Labyrinth fic. Darkish.

Five Have an Indoor Adventure, what happened to the Famous Five.... in very bad taste, I assure you. Enid Blyton porn, who'd a thunk?

Now to the Harry Potter

Scarborough Arithmancy, for it was written for me, and because I spent aeons coding it. HG/LM/SS. You'll have read it before, take it as the chance to read it again.

The Coachwhip series, now long since canon fucked, but still one of my favourites. HGSS

The Next Great Adventure by Abby. Look on it as a thought experiment. If Snape were dead, which he isn't, this might be what it was like.

Crup-tion of the Not-So-Innocent by calanthe_fics Summary: If you thought that befriending Draco Malfoy would be easier than defeating the Dark Lord you’d be wrong. Harry Potter has to grow another pair of legs and a forked tail before he can break down the frosty barrier blocking the way into Malfoy’s heart (and his underpants).

If you leave a comment there, it's a Drarry comm and phrases like I don't usually like slash / Drarry will see you ritually disembowelled.

I've tried to be eclectic and entertaining. I hope you find something to like amongst this lot.

!official fangirl tour stop, labyrinth, discworld, harry potter, diana wynne jones, pg wodehouse, georgette heyer, lord peter wimsey, enid blyton

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