Deadline (Posting, Post-Post Posts, Postponing, & Other Such Shenanigans)

Oct 31, 2012 00:39

Halloween: Posting Fics & Pics
The 31st is here: now, participants can now begin submitting their creations to the Frerard (Mini) Fang!Bang mods to be posted. Here’s the plan:


For Authors:

Send a link to the post of your completed, beta'd fic either via a message to the mods, or in the screened comments below. Your fic may be posted on Livejournal, Dreamwidth, InsaneJournal, JournalFen, ArchiveOfOurOwn / AO3, etc., so long as the link is not to an f-locked post. If you ever choose to take down / friendslock the link provided, please notify a mod first so that they can make note of it.

If you wish for the fic to be hosted here, please indicate that preference in your post. Such entries will be posted not as a link, but as an LJ-cut. Please note: Anon entries will be posted in this manner, and will be hosted on this journal unless specifically otherwise requested. 
      With  your entries, please include a summary, (if it has been revised since your initial summary statement), as well as a list of potential warnings for sensitive readers. If you feel that any of the warnings would be considered spoilers, please mark them as such so that they can be separated from other warnings under one of Livejournal's handy-dandy spoiler tags.


For Artists:

Send a link to the post of your completed graphics/fanmix works via a message to the mods, or in the  screened comments below. Your work may be in a Livejournal post, Photobucket album, Twitpic, Imgur, AO3, etc., so long as the link is not to an f-locked/password protected post, or to a server with a low maximum limit of viewers. If you ever choose to take down / friendslock the link provided, please notify a mod first so that they can make note of it. 
      If you wish for your work to be hosted here, please indicate that preference in your post. Such entries will be posted not as a link, but as an LJ-cut. Please note: Anon entries will be posted in this manner, and will be hosted on this journal unless specifically otherwise requested. 
      With  your entries, please include a list of potential warnings for sensitive viewers/listeners. If you feel that any of the warnings would be considered spoilers, please mark them as such so that they can be separated from other warnings under one of Livejournal's handy-dandy spoiler tags. If your image itself is a spoiler, do not forget to mark it as such.


For Everyone:

Don't panic.

I've spoken with several of you who have mentioned being unable to complete the prompt before this deadline, be it for reasons of illness, Hurricane Sandy, or evil exams approaching. This challenge is meant to be fun, and is not something to make yourself ill over. Don't feel that you need to miss Halloween just to get those last hundred words in. Just submit your work to me as soon as you've finished, and I'll put it up then.
      The current plan involves posting one fic (and its accompanying art) per day, finishing with a master-post with summaries once each of the fics has been posted in their completion. I will likely be posting in the order that I receive the completed pieces. If no one is able to submit a completed set of fic and art by the original deadline, then the fault lies with my planning and potentially overambitious deadlines. Your work will still be posted when received; there are no penalties for lateness. Should I ever host a similar challenge in the future, I will be sure to allow for a more reasonable time period in which the participants can complete their works; you all have my apologies.
      If a writer is finished while the artist is not, please discuss with one another whether you wish to post the fic alone (and have the art added in later) or wait to post the two together in their entirety at a later date. Additionally, if a writer/artist pair decides that the illustrations/mix go best when presented with the illustrations in-line with the text of the story, feel free to work that out together. The warnings for the fic and the graphics/mix will simply be combined in one post, and the link will be to the combination.
      Finally, if at any point an author or artist wishes afterwards to edit a post that they chose to have hosted here, they have only to drop an LJ message at this account, and it will be changed as soon as possible.

posting, authors, guide, pics, writers, artists, fics, rules

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