Title: Slytherins Only Enter Libraries in April to Harass Gryffindors
Author: Royalty25
Pairing: Montague/Angelina; mention of Roger/Angelina
Prompt: #43 Massage
[27/50] Word Count: 391
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Montague asks Angelina for a favor.
Disclaimer: These characters are never mine.
Notes: Dialogue fic. I haven't written one of these in a while.
"What do you want Montague?"
"Am I not allowed in the library anymore? Last time I checked the library was open to all Hogwarts students not just pretentious Gryffindor captains."
"You're so full of yourself. You want something. Now please just ask me already so I can say no and continue studying for my NEWTs."
"Oh Johnson, how you amuse me so."
"If you'll excuse me I'm going to get back to my Advanced Transfiguration notes."
"I know you've scheduled your team for the Quidditch Pitch this Friday from eight to ten. I was wondering if we could switch your Friday for my Thursday. It will be the same times, just different days. What do you say?"
"But Johnson--"
"What part of no don't you understand Montague?"
"Would it help any if I said I was willing to make it worth your while if you agreed to switch?"
"There's nothing you could possibly do that would make it worth my while. Besides I haven't prepared my outline for practice yet."
"I'll do that for you along with offering myself up to fulfill other requests."
"No, I don't think so. You'll sabotage my team. Besides there's no way in hell that I'd sleep with you."
"Whoa there! I wasn't offering myself up to be your love slave Johnson. I was simply offering you a foot massage. Geez, you Gryffindors sure are dirty minded and people complain about Slytherins," he scoffed.
"I'm not switching times with you."
"Okay, fine. I'll have sex with you."
"What! I wasn't suggesting we do that."
"You're such a confusing bird. First you talk about sleeping with me and now that I agree to it you get defensive."
"Leave me alone already!"
"Not until you agree to switch times with me."
"How about you leave me alone before you lack the parts which make you consider yourself a man?"
"Very original. Didn't you threaten to castrate me last week?"
"I did, but I was busy shagging Davies in the prefects' bathroom. It totally slipped my mind. If you want I can make it up to you by castrating you now."
"No, that's okay. Stop lying about your affair with Davies, Johnson. I know you're just saying it to make me jealous, but it's not going to work."
"You're ridiculous and now I'm ignoring you."
"Fine! I'll go harass Davies to switch with me."
"Good luck with that. By the way he likes back massages. I suggest you use that as a bargaining chip."