Title: A Search and A Crush
Author: Royalty25
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 100.2
Prompt: # 40 Nothing for
100quills Word Count: 542
Summary: Miles makes a difficult decision for himself.
Disclaimer: These characters are never mine.
Warnings: N/A
He looked nothing like his father. He still continued to believe this man created him, but he was wrong. It was all a lie created to protect him from the truth. They didn't know what truth was so they proceeded with false preconceived notions. This is why Miles hated his mother. She had made it difficult for him to have a normal childhood. He spent most of it looking for Bletchley Senior, but to no avail. Once he reached Hogwarts his search was put on hold because his education came first. At least that's what his mother taught him.
During his first year at Hogwarts he met his best friend Terence Higgs. Terence lost his younger sister in a house fire earlier that year and was still dealing with the after effects of it. Miles told Terence about his father, but he didn't understand. Terence couldn't understand why Miles' mother would lie to him. He couldn't understand why Miles' parents weren't together. His were. He didn't understand the notion of a broken home, separated parents and the like. From then on Miles didn't share any other things with Terence at the risk of being made fun of.
His second year was a blur. He got involved with Quidditch. It took a while for him to convince then captain Marcus Flint to give him a chance, but after two months of harassing Flint about it, he finally decided to give Miles a shot. Miles surprised Marcus with his skills at the sport and he was put on reserve as keeper immediately.
He met Alicia his third year. She was a year older than him and caught his eye. He approached her when she was alone.
"Hey Alicia."
"Do I know you?" she asked, making a weird face at him.
"I'm the reserve keeper for the Slytherin Quidditch team. I'm Miles."
"Why the hell are you talking to me for? You're a Slytherin. Your kind doesn't fraternize with mine."
Miles' eyes narrowed. He instinctively wanted to grab her and shake her for her insolent comment. However he controlled this urge and simply vowed to get her back for this later on. A week later the Weasley twins shoved his head in a toilet and almost drowned him. Before they left the told Miles to stay away from Alicia and that was that.
When the holidays came Miles stayed at Hogwarts. He knew that if he returned home he wouldn't come back to school. The search for his father would overwhelm him and he wouldn't be able to stop it from doing so. By now he truly didn't want to know about the man known as his father. The only thing he wondered was if his father knew of his existence. If his mother hid the truth from him then she also must have hidden the truth from his father. Believing this to be the case he decided it was best to not search anymore, to let his father have a good life.
So at the age of thirteen, Miles had to make the conscious decision to not search for his real father and to be ok with this decision. No one after this could convince him he had done wrong because he knew he was doing it in the best interest of everyone involved.