--Inability to procreate together To be honest, this one is frequently used by homophobic people trying to explain they are not homophobic, it's not about chirdren - ...but with a sterile girl it would not be the same, they could adopt, and so on...
In some pre-modern societies sterility would be considered a reason for divorce, though, especially in ones with a high emphasis on bloodlines. I'd agree modern society is different.
IAWTC, in the sense that if used as an excuse it would most likely be homophobic, however, I do think it could be used in a non-homophobic way as well, for I've known people who shun their children's love interests based on fertility.
There's a lot of fantasy societies inability to procreate is a big deal (and historically in our world, even in times that where much more accepting then ours), that being said, I agree that in a modern context lack of procreation is almost always homophobic and even when it isn't it tends to be coupled with homophobia.
--Inability to procreate together To be honest, this one is frequently used by homophobic people trying to explain they are not homophobic, it's not about chirdren - ...but with a sterile girl it would not be the same, they could adopt, and so on...
Ever notice how seldom the procreation argument seems to come into play when Mr. December marries Ms. May?
My comment did come across as fairly witless and ill-considered; I suppose my point was that, although money, power, and clout tend to accumulate with age, a nubile young woman would have an even better chance of conceiving by a man in her own age bracket.
Probably a bit of self-deception there, too, in a lot of cases: you marry a younger woman and assume that any heirs you have are yours, as long as they don't look *too* much like the hot young gardener.
To be honest, this one is frequently used by homophobic people trying to explain they are not homophobic, it's not about chirdren - ...but with a sterile girl it would not be the same, they could adopt, and so on...
Word for the rest.
So I think context probably matters quite a bit.
To be honest, this one is frequently used by homophobic people trying to explain they are not homophobic, it's not about chirdren - ...but with a sterile girl it would not be the same, they could adopt, and so on...
Ever notice how seldom the procreation argument seems to come into play when Mr. December marries Ms. May?
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