--Inability to procreate together To be honest, this one is frequently used by homophobic people trying to explain they are not homophobic, it's not about chirdren - ...but with a sterile girl it would not be the same, they could adopt, and so on...
In some pre-modern societies sterility would be considered a reason for divorce, though, especially in ones with a high emphasis on bloodlines. I'd agree modern society is different.
IAWTC, in the sense that if used as an excuse it would most likely be homophobic, however, I do think it could be used in a non-homophobic way as well, for I've known people who shun their children's love interests based on fertility.
--One individual being a horrible murderous person planning to commit further horrible murderous acts to which the other individual would be expected to be morally opposed.
This one. So much.
On a more general note, I got so sick of seeing this in HP fandom. Ron especially was so often cast as a homophobic jerk, when in fact his completely reasonable reactions to Harry dating Snape and/or Malfoy could start at the top of the list and go nearly all the way down without ever touching "I'm a homophobic ass."
Ha, this. I admit, I used to be seriously addicted to that pairing. But I mostly now read it in an ironic, cracky, and sometimes smutty sense. But bashing characters for not questioning Harry's sanity in that scenario is the quickest way for me to hit the back button. Actually, it is pretty strange when everyone isn't questioning his sanity.
i see what you're saying and also personally feel that, ya know, attention to context and complexity makes for a better story.
but, i can also understand authors, especially authors dealing with the experience of homophobia in their daily lives, feeling that automatic reaction to be real, valid and true. i think sometimes, if you live under enough fire, it can be very difficult to take certain kinds of context into consideration because the content is so triggering. even if you are the one coming up with the situation at hand, as the author.
1000% percent on that last one. For example, Clint would have all kinds of good reasons to not want to see Tony and Loki snuggling, none of which have to require him being a big homophobic meanie.
You could probably get all the Avengers in the room and have them take turns reading off a massive list of why Tony and Loki should not be fucking and not one item would involve the fact that they both have dicks most of the time.
Comments 114
To be honest, this one is frequently used by homophobic people trying to explain they are not homophobic, it's not about chirdren - ...but with a sterile girl it would not be the same, they could adopt, and so on...
Word for the rest.
This one. So much.
On a more general note, I got so sick of seeing this in HP fandom. Ron especially was so often cast as a homophobic jerk, when in fact his completely reasonable reactions to Harry dating Snape and/or Malfoy could start at the top of the list and go nearly all the way down without ever touching "I'm a homophobic ass."
"...Or I don't want you with a genocidal dictator who's your grandfather's age. That's possible, too."
but, i can also understand authors, especially authors dealing with the experience of homophobia in their daily lives, feeling that automatic reaction to be real, valid and true. i think sometimes, if you live under enough fire, it can be very difficult to take certain kinds of context into consideration because the content is so triggering. even if you are the one coming up with the situation at hand, as the author.
*turns into a mare as in Norse legend*
Tony (deadpan): "Umm... Loki? I'm not sure you're making this any easier for me."
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