One of Those Things

Aug 09, 2007 01:21

Title: One of those things
Rating: R - To be Safe
Pairings/Characters: Sam/Dean, Dean/OFC
Warnings: Angst

Summary: So...I was reading fics all day, because I've been depressed that no one noticed that 'Bones' had been posted of my Four Part series entitled: Blood, Skin, Bones, Soul. Then I got to listening to a Melissa Etheridge song..(go figure) and I wanted to write this. It's just a one-shot, that I came up with randomly. Un-beta'd.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot.

It's just one of those things.

One of those Things

You woke me up

At three A.M.

To tell me about the fire

You said that she was more than a friend

you were consumed by your desire.


"Mmm?" Sam turned and snuggled more into Dean.

Immediately Dean sat up and Sam looked up through his sleepy haze confused.

"What is it Dean?"

"I..It's nothing."

Dean turned away from his brother and sat looking towards the door of the room, his feet resting on the carpet.

"Dean," Sam whispered and kissed the back of Deans neck. He sat on his heels behind Dean on the bed, and hugged him, laying his head on Dean's shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Slowly one of Dean's hands snaked up and gently moved Sam's clasped hands apart; breaking the hug. He got up and sat down with a sigh on the other bed.

"Dean?" Sam was scared now.


"Are you hurt? Dean, you need to tell me, if you feel sick. We could get a doctor, take a break for a while, and then get back on the road when -"

"I'm having an affair..."

"I- What?" Sam looked at Dean, hoping he'd heard wrong.

"It's not...I just..." Dean sighed and rubbed a hand across his face. "Do you remember Brandy?"

"The girl we saved from that werewolf in Texas?"

"Yeah, that's the one."

Sam could see Dean smile a little.

"Yeah...I remember." Sam sat down fully on the other side of his bed, facing Dean, who still insisted on getting two queens instead of a king.

Sam did remember. He remembered all too well.

- - -

"Oh my god! What WAS that thing?"

"Uh...It was a coyote...Just don't turn around ok? These things are pretty gross."

"I can handle a little blood!" She replied, defiantly, that Texas twang coming out in her voice.

She tried to turn her face but Dean's hand cupped her face, and held it focused on him.

"I told you not to look."

She was looking at him, strands of beautiful strawberry blonde hair peeking out from between his fingers.

Sam gulped, as he watched. He tried to look away, but he couldn't. He started breathing heavier, and he felt his temperature rise.

'No.' Sam thought 'Dean loves me...just last night he...told me so. It's fine, he's just doing her a favor'.

Sam chanced a look at the wolf-turned man. Dean was right, she just couldn't handle seeing that..and they couldn't afford to let her.

He found his voice. "Come on, let's get out here!" He tried to keep his voice light. Care free.

Neither said anything just looked at each other intently.

"Come on, lovebirds," Sam swallowed back bile, "As much as I'd like to stand here all day and watch you two make eyes at each other, I think we'd better go."

"Yeah," Dean smiled, still looking into Brandy's eyes. "Sure Sam."

Finally, breaking contact, they all started walking back towards the direction of the impala, but somehow Sam was slower than usual. He watched from behind as Dean and Brandy talked, and he comforted her, having just been through something traumatic.

"I'm fine!" She giggled to Dean, after him asking her for the thousandth time if she was ok.

They were back at the car, and Sam was leaning against it, trying not to look at them.

"Alright, well, we gotta scoot,"

Sam snorted, since when did Dean say 'scoot'

"But we'll be in touch."

"Ok." She replied softly.

There was a moment of silence, and Sam looked out to make sure that Dean was coming.

"Dean." He said curtly.


Once Dean was in the car again, and they were driving away, windows down AC/DC tape ready to be played Sam felt better. As they were driving away he looked back to see Brandy waving, her shirt lifting a little of bronzed skin where her jeans didn't quite reach. She looked beautiful with sunset beaming from behind her.

And Sam hated her.

"Come on Sam."

Dean had cajoled him later.

"It's not like we're married or anything."

Sam just turned on his side, away from Dean, on his bed.

He didn't know if what he'd said was referring to him and Dean, or Dean and Brandy.

And that wasn't the worst part.

- - -


Dean had the decency to look guilty.

Even if he was smiling.

"I ran into her the other day. We'd been keeping in touch...She just wanted some coffee...But Sammy,"

"It's Sam." It was childish...spiteful even, but Sam didn't care. He felt like he was losing control, and fast.

"OK, Sam. But she's just soo....beautiful, you know?"

Beautiful. Sam remembered the last time Dean had said that to Sam.

- - -

"Dean please!"

Sam was sprawled out on the queen sized bed, in another no name town, in a sleazy motel. They'd just gotten back from another hunt, and even though it was supposed to be a salt and burn, it ended up being an exorcism.

The car ride to the motel was silent, but once inside the room, they had collided in a haze of frenzy, lust, and need. They needed to know they were alive still, that no matter what they had eachother. This was something they wouldn't forget.

"I gotcha Sammy."

Sam just groaned in response.


Dean was currently thrusting two fingers into Sam's entrance.

"I'm ready," Sam whispered, "Just fuck me already."

He heard rustling behind him, and then felt the tip of Dean's cock at his entrance, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Burning inside out, Sam hid his face, and bit his pillow as his body got used to the invasion.

He felt Dean kiss his neck, and gasped as his brother blew on the wet spot.

Dean had slipped all the way in, and he was waiting, for Sam to fully get used to that.

Dean's forehead rested on the back of Sam's neck, and Sam could feel the bursts of air coming from behind him.

"So beautiful...god you're so beautiful Sammy."

"Need you." Sam whispered back, "Will always need you."

- - -

"How long?"

Dean knew what he was talking about. Still he asked.

"How long what, Sammm." He drew out the 'm', trying not to call his brother Sammy at the moment.

"How long have I been making a fool of myself, Dean. How long has this been going on?"


"I just want to know. You can at least give me that."

"Two weeks..."

"I see."

"Sam," Dean moved back over onto the bed Sam was occupying, and looked at him trying to catch his eye. "You had to know that this wasn't going to last forever."

Sam's heart clenched at the same time he squeezed his eyes shut.

"It was fun Sam...It's been good...great."

"Yeah," Sam choked out. "Great."

"Sam I thought...I thought we'd agreed."

- - -



Sam braced himself. He hadn't had the courage to start this conversation yet, but it needed to be had.

"What are we?"


"No. That's not what I meant."

Dean sighed.

"What are in a relationship?"

"No." Dean said immediately and sat up.

"Then what?" Sam was a little hurt, but he didn't show.

"I don't know what you want me to say Sam."

"Well, I want you tell me if I'm wasting my time here? Are we fuck buddies? Are with brothers with benefits? What is this?"

"Can't you just accept that whatever happens between us gets us both what we want, and leave it at that?"


"Look...I'm not sure what I would call this...I'm not even sure there is a 'this'. But what I do know is that we can't spend our lives putting labels on things. It will just give us more trouble in the long run."

Sam contemplated this.

"So, do we have an agreement? No putting labels on this shit. It's too damn complicated."

Sam grinned. It was complicated.

But what wasn't with the Winchester boys?

- - -

"Yeah," Sam whispered, nodding his head. "We did didn't we?"

"That's right," Dean agreed, gaining back his confidence. "And even if one thing we have is ending...I mean it doesn't mean anything right? We'll always be brothers."

Sam just sat there, and he wondered. Wondered where along all this he had been stupid, and weak, and let himself fall in love.

"Right Sammy? Bound by blood"

"Destined for glory." Sam finished quietly.

"Brothers till the end."

Sam looked up at the hand on his knee.


He wanted to be strong, but his body betrayed him. His words came out choked, and his muscles trembled everywhere.

"Anyway, I think she's really gonna be good for me. I have this feeling, you know. Like I don't want to lose her. I can't even imagine my life without her."

Sam knew. He knew because he was living it right fucking now. His brother was in love. With a woman, someone who wasn't him. Sam wasn't even sure Dean ever felt anything besides lust when he was with him. That's all Sam felt like now. A piece of used meat.

"I uh. I'm happy for you Dean."

Dean looked over and saw the pools of water in Sam's eyes, glistening in the moonlight.

"Listen," Sam started shakily, standing up "I'm starving. I'm gonna go get something to eat, so I guess I'll see you later."

Sam barely made it out the door before he melted down. Sobs wracked his body, and tears flowed unashamedly down the front of his shirt. He heard the door open, and he couldn't take it, couldn't take Dean seeing him like he was. He crawled forward, scrambling to get up, not caring about the little rocks that dug into his skin from the cement walkway. He ran, and ran, and ran until he couldn't anymore, until he didn't know where he was and just broke down eventually. Cried till his eyes protested.

He found himself on a side road somewhere and crawled down into a ditch that had a bridge built over a small creek. Sam sat by the water side and looked up at the sky through the canopy of trees, curling his hands around his knees and hugging himself shivering despite the warm night.

He thought of his brother, and he thought of Brandy, he thought of demons and angels...He thought of God.

"Why?" Sam asked quietly

"Why?" again, more forceful.

He took a deep shuddering breath, and screamed out, yelling for anyone to hear, no one listening.


He fell backward and rolled the little ways there was left down to the creek, where he threw up, and watched as it flowed downstream.

Never before in his life had he felt so stupid, so thick headed. He'd been so busy swooning over Dean that he hadn't seen. He hadn't allowed himself to believe, that Dean would ever do this to him.

He thought a lot of things about Dean. Like Dean was always opposed to chick flick moments, but Sam secretly suspected that he lived on the hunts with happy endings. Or how Dean always listened to the Classic Rock stations, and when it was Sam's turn to choose the music he swore up and down that he hated it, but Sam thought that maybe Dean wasn't so against it anymore.

He thought that Dean loved him, and would always be there for him, always there to protect him, never there to hurt him. Would always come with him, and help him when in need.

The thing that sucked most for Sam was that those things all had been true, up until this night.

Up until this night he thought he could handle pain well.

But he learned. Learned that whatever pain he'd experienced before?

That was no pain at all.

- - -

Your love was here

but now it's gone

and your eyes no longer want me

And now I can't hold back the Dawn

and the truth that seems to haunt me

"Wake up. Come on buddy wake up."

Sam felt light taps on the side of his cheeks, making him wince, and look up.

It was still kind of dark out, but it was beginning to become lighter. Sam guessed by the light and the wet feeling on his clothes, that it was close to 6 a.m.

"What are you doin out here? You scared me Sam."

Sam didn't bother replying, just fought out of Dean's grip and straightened his clothes.

"Sam. Why did you go off like that? You could've gotten into some trouble! Then what would you have done?"

"You mean without you?"

Dean looked at him questioningly.

"Well, I sure as hell couldn't be worse off."

Dean sighed and wiped the sweat off his brow before plopping down on the ground.


"I don't think -"

"I don't care what you don't think, I said sit."

Sam did. Albeit grudgingly.

"I thought we'd agreed Sam...What went wrong?"

"Yeah well you can't always count on agreements. They're made to be broken."

" thought that we...that I.."

"Yeah, you know. I guess I did."

Dean sat silent for a minute, staring off at a clearing on the other side of the creek.

"I didn't mean to...uh...lead you on or anything."

Sam didn't speak.

"God.." Dean chuckled nervously, "It feels like I'm letting you down easy or somethin. Shit. It's not like..."

"What? It's not like, we were in love or anything, right? So you can say whatever the fuck you want."

Dean heard the bitter tone underneath the words, and was suprised.

"I...look I didn't mean for you to get hurt in all this. I mean, jesus Sam, if I had known that you would' know...I wouldn't have started anything."

"But you knew didn't you?" Sam whispered, "Deep down you knew I was falling for you. We both knew."

"And we both did nothing to stop it." Dean replied.

Sam looked up at Dean, not really expecting him to admit something like that so openly.

"Sammy, I need to know...are we going to be ok? I don't want this to ruin anything...I'll back off or whatever, but Sam, I don't think I could ever think of my life without you in it."

Ironic. Those were the words Sam wanted to hear. That Dean couldn't imagine life without him...but he knew Dean wasn't saying it in that way.

"I guess so."

Dean let out a sigh of relief.

"So..." he started nervously, "It's just one of those things then? I mean you'll be alright?"

Sam sighed, and looked away.

"Yeah. Just one of those things."

- - -

I'm not so sure

where I have been

I don't know just where I'm going

Hard as I hope it in my head

I can't stop this wind from blowing

"Sam?" Dean's voice cut across the line, and Sam dropped the grape he'd been about to eat, hearing it thud against the carpet and swallowing nervously as floods of memories rushed into his head.

Dean kissing him, Dean bringing him coffee, Dean smiling, Dean eating pie, Dean making love to him. Dean, Dean, Dean.


"Hey! How ya been little brother? You don't have a girl over do ya?"

"Uh, No."

Sam looked around at his empty apartment. It was always empty. Him, his furniture, and his electronics. That's all he had. That's all he needed.

"Good, so I called at a good time then."

It was never a good time.

"Listen, Sam. I know you moved up to Oregon and everything, and I know it's kind of far..."

"Yes?" Sam sighed, getting annoyed; he wanted this conversation to be over.

"But, Brandy and I," Sam's breath hitched, and he bit his lip. "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!"

Sam dropped the phone, and fell to the ground, grabbing the nearby (thankfully) trash can.

After dry heaving, he picked up the phone off the floor.

"Sammy? You there?"

"Yeah, sorry, tripped." Sam said lamely wiping his mouth with his hand.

"Oh ok, so will you be able to make it?"

"I don't know..."

"Please Sammy? Come on, for your big brother?"

Sam's stomach clenched.

"We'll see." He managed and hung up.

The instant he was off the phone, he fell to the ground gasping. Hearing Dean's voice, had brought back so many things he'd tried so hard to bury. So many feelings he just couldn't afford to feel anymore.

After that day on the hill, he'd packed his things, and said he'd be in touch. Of course he never was. It was always Dean who called, always Dean who made contact. Sam thought about changing his number, so that Dean couldn't find him, but he didn't have it in his heart. No matter what had happened between him and Dean, it was no excuse for Sam to be an ass.

So he went to Boston. Got a job as a secretary at a newspaper, and spent his time filing things and writing memos, answering phones and getting coffee. The job made him feel mechanical, like a drone. But anything to keep his mind off Dean. He rented out a condo somewhere near Cape Cod Bay, and was content most of the time, to just be alone. Working by day, and spending quiet evenings by himself at home.

Nothing ever took the pain away, or the memories, but his life took his thoughts away from those things that would always be there. It made it easier.

Now here Dean was, coming into his life again, guns blazing and asking Sammy to accept that this was really happening. He wanted Sam to bear witness that whatever sick, deluded hope Sam had that they'd ever be together, was about to be crushed. That he loved someone else, someone else far more interesting and beautiful than he ever could be. He felt like a huge, geeky lug when he was around her the first time, and he still does thinking about it now.

He would go to the wedding, he would stay long enough for the ceremony to be over, and he would tell Dean that he couldn't do it anymore. That he couldn't live with Dean constantly reminding him that he couldn't have him, could never love him in the way Sam so desperatly wished he would.

Sam stood up, defiant now. He began to pack his bags, with only the thought of ending it in his mind.

It all ends here.

- - -

"Ouch" Sam said, bumping his head for the thousandth time against the top of his too small rental car. Usually he walked to the bus stop and then took it to work. So when he had to rent a car he didn't know which one to choose. Looking at all those cars made him think of the impala, and he had a hard time focusing after that.

Finally he had settled on a little hot sports car, which unfortunatley for him, however hot it still was to small for someone of his height. He'd spent the drive over, with the seat laid back farther than deemed safe for driving and his head leaned up so that his neck ached ferociously.

"Sam! You're here!" Dean sounded suprised as he bound out the front door of a white house.

"Yeah, I'm here." Sam said, still clutching his head.

"Well don't sound so enthused about it! Come on Sam, give you're brother a hug." Dean went in to hug Sam and he just stood there awkwardly, holding his head.

Dean noticed, and still tried to hug Sam, when finally he gave up and took a few steps back.

"Well...uh come in! I want to give you a tour of the house."

"Ok." Sam grabbed his bag out of the trunk, and then filed behind Dean into the house.

Sam readied himself for anything he might see, and his walls went up.

"Hey babe!" Dean called, and Sam saw her through the mudroom making something over at the oven.

He inhaled a little and he recognized the smell as Chili. Sam felt dumb...he didn't know how to cook chili.

"Hey Dean, hey there Sam! It's been so long, how've you been?"

Sam shrugged. "Alright."

"Well good, then come on in and make yourself at home. What's mine is ours and what's ours is yours."

"Yeah Sammy, now let's go, I'll show you to your room and then we can watch some tv." Dean sounded like a kid at christmas.

Sam looked around. It was a nice place. Two stories, deck, hot tub, full kitchen and dining room, two and a half bathrooms, computer room, flat screen tv. Dean must've been busy. He couldn't even feel angry. He didn't want to feel anything at all.

Dean led the way up the stairs which creaked a little under pressure, and at the second door on the right he stopped and then opened it walking in.

"This," He said gesturing into the expanse of space, "Will be your room during your visit."

It looked great. Not too big, definitly not small. No cheesy paint or wallpaper, just a plain room painted beige. A king size bed sat in the center and a television across from that.

"I missed ya Sam."

"Yeah. Looks like you're doing well for yourself."

Dean shrugged. He had on a dark blue sweater, with a grey undershirt with jeans. It was normal. It was all so normal that Sam wanted to puke. Wanted to rip up that stupid fucking shirt and replace it with one of his Led Zeplin's or something. He shoved his hands in his pockets instead.

This may have been society's version of normal but to Sam he felt like he was on an alien planet. His version of normal involved the impala, run down motels, and Dean waking him up gently with kisses in the morning. That's what his normal was. The difference being that Dean had his normal, Sam never would.

"I've been working out at a construction site near here. It's a good job. Pays the bills, and leaves a little extra room for comfort."

Sam nodded. But all he could think to say was,

"Nice shirt."

- - -

"You ready yet Sam?"

Hearing his name, he turned from the mirror.

"In a minute." He yelled back.

He glanced back at the mirror. Sunken cheeks, hollowed eyes, and shaggy hair. Yup this was as good as he was going to get. He looked alright in his tux, which was a few sizes too big, but Dean had guessed his size based on what he'd been when he left. Since then, Dean didn't know, that Sam didn't usually eat anything unless he had to and didn't really ever sleep either. Instead choosing to either read or take a walk on the beach, or type on his computer. Everything he ever wrote, ended up being deleted. He even tried to write a letter to Dean once, but stopped halfway through and ripped it up.

"This is it."

This is it. It was finally when Sam was going to bear it all, and pour what was left of his heart into Dean's hands. When it was all over, Sam would leave, and Dean would fianlly leave him alone. He'd have his nice house, his new clothes, and wife to think about. Sam would no longer occupy any more of his thoughts, and he could spend the rest of his life in peace. Sam could spend the rest of his life in solitude, the way he wanted. If he couldn't have Dean, he didn't want anyone else.

Another sharp knock resounded through the room.

"Sam? Can I come in yet?"


Dean walked in with a huge grin on his face. They were doing the ceremony here at the house, it was 'just easier that way' Dean had explained. Sam almost felt sorry for Brandy. If Dean wasn't going to legalize it, then she might want to get out now. He knew was Dean was capable of, when emotions were involved.

"I have something for you!"

Sam sat on the bed, and feigned interest.

"Yeah, what is it?"

my heart back?

Dean pulled out a shiny set of keys and placed them on the bed, in the space between him and Sam.

"What is this?"

"It's the keys to my baby."

Sam looked up genuinely suprised.

"What are they doing here?"

"I'm giving them to you, Sam!"

"But why?"

"Well, Brandy wants to get a minivan, and she doesn't think that I can get a good enough offer on my baby, so I agreed to give it away. There's only one person I trust enough to keep her safe."

Sam looked up at Dean to see if he was bullshitting. He wasn't. He just had a grin on his face, and was waiting for Sam to thank him.

"What the FUCK?" Sam yelled, and he stood up in front of Dean, outraged.


"What the FUCK have you let this bitch do to you?"

Instantly Dean's demeanor changed, and he stood up.

Sam was ready, he wanted this to happen, get Dean riled up and raging, he needed it.

"Don't you DARE talk about her like that!"

"Look what she has done to you! She's changed you into this...this...domestic, fake, Mr. Rogers!"

"What the fuck are you talking about Sam?"


"LOOK! It's not MY problem that you're still in love with me, I can't help it if-"

Dean didn't finish as a punch was thrown to his face, and he stumbled back a little.

"Yeah Dean? And It's not my fault you fucked me and let me think that. That you could've helped."

"Look, all I was looking for was a quick fuck and you were there. I didn't expect you to think I was in love with you or some shit."

Even though the words stung, Sam smiled inside. This was Dean, the real Dean. He was coming back out from under all the layers of fake Brandy had applied.

"I'd rather be in love with my brother, than with some controlling bitch who changes everything about me."

"Christo" Dean muttered.

Sam's smirk was knocked off his face and he brought a hand up to where Dean had hit him, tasting blood.

"Not bad for a pussy-whipped asshole."

"Son of a bitch!"

Dean lunged at Sam and the two were struggling against each other on the bed. Dean put up a good fight, but Sam used his height to his advantage and rolled on top of Dean and held his hands down at the wrists. Dean struggled and Sam looked down at him from below, he raised back his fist, ready to slug Dean again, when he felt it.

It was poking him in the leg at the moment, and they must've realized it at the same time. Dean had an erection.

Sam's face was caught between suprise and amusement. A moment later he was laughing...hysterically.

Dean however, did not think it was so funny, and he tried to squirm out from under his brother.

"Was that one of your....secret weapons...or were you just....happy to see me?" Sam asked between gasps of breath.

Dean looked up at Sam, and when he looked down, Dean had pools of tears in his eyes.

"Sam." it was a broken whisper.

Sam stopped laughing. He looked down at Dean and shook his head. His heart ached to reach out and touch Dean, comfort him, but his mind told him it was better not to.

"What?" Sam asked.

"We can't do this."


"I'm getting married today."

"Well. You don't have to worry about anything Dean. You lost me the day you told me about her. I can't love you anymore. I can't afford that kind of misery, in my life." Sam took a shaky breath and shook his head. "I just wish I knew why. You know. That's what kills me the most about this whole thing. I don't know why you started this, when you knew you'd never finish it. I don't know why, you let me think you could ever love me. So, I'll go. I'll leave you to your house, and your beautiful wife, and maybe one day many years after today, I will start to feel alive again. Maybe someday I'll learn to breathe again, and peices of my soul will come back to me in little fragments, until maybe one day. One day I can survive without you."

Sam got up and left the room quickly. Tears filling his eyes, blurring his vision. He bumped into someone and didn't even have time to register the confused ''Sam'' that came from Brandy's mouth. He was running towards his car, and he was almost there when he stumbled and tripped, leaning his head against the door. His tux was getting dirty from the gravel, he knew, but he desperately wanted to escape this place forever.

"Shit" he muttered realizing he had left all his things in the house, including the keys to the car.

He heard footsteps coming towards him slowly, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He was so tired of fighting.

"I was scared."

Sam didn't look up at the sound of Dean's voice, just sobbed quietly, head still resting on the rental car.

"Did you hear me Sam? You better listen. Cause I'm only gonna say it once."

Sam sniffed in response.

"That night...when we were first...together. It meant more to me than some quick fuck. I was so happy, that we had that chance to be with each other. Never in my wildest fucking dreams did I think you would even look at me that way."


"BECAUSE YOU WOULD HAVE DONE IT TO ME! SOONER OR LATER. I WOULD'VE ENDED UP ALONE! I just couldn't handle  that again Sam. When you left for Stanford, it ripped me apart, and I never thought I'd forgive you. But each time I see you it's like I forget that I ever had any back bone in me. I had to make you think that I could never love you Sam, because whenever you would have left again..."

Dean was silent. He was never so good at expressing his feelings in such an intimate way.

"All this time..." Sam whispered to himself. "You made me hate you Dean. Do you know what that's like? Do you know what I've been through since that night?"

"Yeah Sam. I do. I live it everytime I kiss her and wish it was you instead. I live it when I listen to her talk about her day, and when we make love. Because even though I pushed you away to protect my heart...I've never been more miserable."

Sam sprung from the ground and punched Dean.

"Son of a bitch." Sam said, cradling Dean's head in his hands, before smashing their lips together.

He didn't care that Brandy might be watching, or that Dean's back yard was full of guests waiting to see something that would never happen. He didn't care that Dean had a home here, and a life with someone else. He couldn't care. Not when Dean was kissing him like that.

They broke apart for air, but Sam remained with his hands on Dean's face. They stared into each other's eyes breathing heavily, nothing being said. Until...

"That hurt...Bitch."

They both grinned.

"Come on," Dean said grabbing Sam's hand, "Let's get out of here."

"What about Brandy?"

"Fuck her."

"You did."

"Shut up!"

"I'm driving." Sam yelled as they ran towards the garage.

Dean tossed Sam the keys.

Sam tore out of the garage and raced out of the driveway.

Behind him, Sam saw the angry figure of Brandy being covered in dust kicked up by the impala.

Ahead of him?

He saw a life filled with happiness, lazy morning kisses, passion, love and Dean.

And it was good.


Well...I don't know I feel about you like it/hate it?

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