Star Wars. Kyp Durron. 039 - Taste.

Jan 22, 2007 14:42

Title: Path of Hate
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Kyp, Jaina
Prompt: Taste
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG
Summary: Jaina’s path worries Kyp.


Kyp reached out in the Force to the strange ship and jerked back hard enough to bang his head on a piece of the X-wing’s cockpit. Something was seriously wrong. They were all there, but they’d changed - and not for the better.

He tried a second time, and the feeling that surrounded the Jedi Knights left a coppery tang like blood in his mouth. The memory of the dark energy wrapped around him like tentacles made his skin crawl. This time it was centered around Jaina like a thunderstorm.

“Here me out before you open fire.” He tried to keep his voice calm, but that dark feeling worried him. Best keep your suspicions to yourself for now.

The younger Jedi Knight still seemed ready to rip him to pieces, so he gratefully let Jag continue the negotiations. If she listened, it would be to him. He had other things to think about and barely registered the few jabs she sent his way.

Jaina, what’s happened to you? he asked himself as they slowly headed back for the planet. This is about Anakin. Isn’t it? I know it hurts now, but don’t do this to yourself. It’ll only make it worse.

star wars: kyp durron

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