Olympia Zeltdach, originally uploaded by
Hey guys! Hope y'all had a great weekend.....
So....where should I start? Saturday seems a good point.
Frank had to go to training but we met up afterwards for lunch along with two of his friends (well, actually a friend and an Ex of his). We went to have sushi, which was great, considering that I hardly ever had sushi here in Germany due to the exorbitant prices. (You have to LOVE the
Oishi restaurants in Thailand).
Anyway, afterwards we went to have a look at the wine tasting thing at a store but this having been a Saturday, it was swarming with people. We got to try two sorts of wine (a
Riesling and an Italian red). We got to try only the two because it was just too uncomfortable with too many people around....worst of all was this young couple with the woman being pregnant with huge belly already, i.e. prolly about 7 or 8 months in, and they were drinking wine! That wasn't the worst yet....the worst was that they seemed to try to boast their knowledge of wine, or lack thereof to be more exact.
Then there was this American tourist couples (and don't get me wrong here, I'm NOT attacking any Americans here and I can say that a lot of people from other nations can be as goofy - so, please, hold your tongue before you start lashing out at me for saying "Americans", coz I'm not having any of that). Anyway, this couple came to the stand and kind of ordered the wine as though it was some kind of free drink. They drank the wine down in one huge gulp and started to wander off WITH the tasting glasses still in their hands so that the guy behind the counter had to run off after them and get the glasses back. I didn't see any signs saying: "Free wine with great tasting glasses to go". *LOL*
Apropos, talking about tasting glasses. Frank and I, well, more I speicifically, had been looking around for tasting glasses for a while. Frank already has some, but I don't. This came about because of the fact that Frank got me into drinking something other than wine, i.e.
Portwine. Thing is, I only have four glasses: Two bordeaux glasses and two chardonnay glasses. All from
Riedel's Vinum series. We'd been drinking the port out of my chardonnay glasses...but Frank had suggested that I should get tasting glasses because they're pretty much suitable for most of the drinks, hence their being "tasting glasses". To be honest, I had already - even before Frank came into view - considered getting the tasting glass from Riedel...but the shape of it doesn't appeal to me at all, although the functionality of it seems to be good. And the ridiculous price for that glass just put me off.
We then wandered off to another store and was successful in finding tasting glasses as well as a couple of bottles of
Côtes du Rhône.
In the evening was a dinner by Frank's ex-still-husband (no, I'm not answering any questions on that topic either, so don't ask), who had his birthday the day before. Was a nice evening except for a minor incident which had already been cleared. :-)
On Sunday morning, Frank woke up with a sore throat. We were scheduled to go to the
Olympia Park to take a tour of the "tent roof" over the stadium. The tour was a birthday gift for one of Frank's friend.
On the top, originally uploaded by
Now, from the first photo at the very top of the post, you can see the rack where we walk along the edge of the roof. You have to wear this kind of fitting which is kind of like moutaineering gears.
Frank auf der Spitze, originally uploaded by
Now, you don't just get to walk along the edge of the roof, but you can also climb up to the very top of the thing, too.
That was quite scary for me...as for those who don't know, I have a very mild
acrophobia. But at the same time, it's pretty cool to be up there and have a look around.
I couldn't stand up like Frank does in the photo, because the roof is held up like a tent and thus was susceptible to movements affected by wind and people walking on it...so I wasn't feeling very stable standing up. And also my shoes weren't gripping very well to the rack for some reason, so I didn't really risked it and I just stayed half crouched at the top there. :-p
Frank, originally uploaded by
The line, originally uploaded by
There is also this line that you attach to the cable running along the rack.
I don't know why, but for some reason, I quite like this photo.
Zeltdach overview, originally uploaded by
This is the view from the other side. Like I said before we walked all the way along the edge. So, if you start at the top right of the picture and just trace the line, that's the way we walked.
The Troop, originally uploaded by
And this is the group.....sorry for the crappy photo, but I should've zoomed in a bit.
BTW, we weren't up there alone, but there were also two guides who were excellent.
Green chairs, originally uploaded by
The troop after the tour, originally uploaded by
After the tour we took a moment to sit in the stadium and had a look around before heading off to a beergarden.
The group spent the afternoon at the beergarden before parting.
We went back to Frank's. By that time, the poor guy was feeling pretty warm already so we didn't do much apart from lounging around watching TV.
Towards the evening, we made the pumpkin soup. Seems that the pumpkin wasn't ripe enough yet, so it wasn't that aromatic as we had expected, but nevertheless it tasted wonderful (with some pumpkin oil on top before serving).
So, that seems to be all....have a great day!