Well, no picture today but only a short
vid-cast. My second pair of
Kolenya's coming along but I didn't feel like knitting very much yesterday.
Anyhow as you could see in the vid-cast, I got post! It was the
Vogue Knitting Winter 05/06 sent to me by
Rhonda Bell of the
Knitting News Cast! First I'd like to state that there's nothing against
Christine from
Pointy Sticks, or Judy (sorry, no blog...and I still have to write you an email!) who were the first two people offering to send me the VK in the first place. It was really sweet, but I couldn't bring myself to accept it at the time....and then Rhonda offered again and I succumbed. ;) So thank you very much all of you!!!
I went and meet up again with Celina and Sara from the SnB group. Fun thing was that
Knitfreak rang me up and so I tagged her along as well. We were in a café and of course....we knitted. *LOL* Then we moved on to
Thaifoon, a hip Thai restaurant in Munich to go and grab some cocktails and for me to meet up with
missmeily and
tjej, coz we three were going to go and see Bare
Brokeback Mountain together. We were then joined by Phillip (Celina's bf), Julian (Sara's bf) and
ebulliently_so. So, the group was kind of big....and
missmeily kinda freaked out a bit...poor thing. *LOL*
We ended up knitting a bit in Thaifoon and drinking cocktails. I got a bit tipsy with that Papaya Daiquiri. I mean, what d'you expect when you're drinking strong cocktail on empty stomach? I had fun though.
tjej and I made our way to
Cinema for the movie. I and
tjej (we were tipsy). I actually got the clip, but accidentally deleted it while editing the videos. But you can see it
All in all, another great day yesterday! Now I need some breakfast and I want to finish the Kulenya. I also need to do laundry, ironing, starting packing...getting some chocolates to take home with me, write emails, etc. *LOTS to do*
Ps. Some of you were wondering how I took
the picture of my Kolenyas yesterday with both my hands in the picture. Well,
Jeanie guessed that I got somebody to take a pic for me. But how? HeWhoMustNotBeNamed was at work and I wasn't about to ring up my friend to come to just take a photo of my hands. So, no, you were wrong. ;)
If you know me well enough, you know that 99% of the photos I take are taken with my
Nokia 6630 (the vids are all done with it, too). Taking that photo yesterday was an act of acrobatic. I used the self-timer on the phone and held the phone with my mouth!!! ;) So, it sure did look pretty funny if you had seen me. *LOL*