Modified Kolenya, originally uploaded by
12:30 p.m. Tuesday, 7 March 2006
Modified Kolenya
If you've seen my vid-cast yesterday, you'll remember about this mitten I was talking about. Well, it was the
Kolenya. Incredibly fast to knit up! I started it last night and finished the right side this morning (you can see the left side on the needles already).
I couldn't comprehend the part where you supposed to make crocheted chain I just left it out and knitted up the hand. I'm pretty proud of what came out of it! This is my first attempt at knitting something for the hand, and I'm very pleased. I'll still need to block it though, but I'm waiting for the second side to be knitted up. :)
I'm meeting up with a friend afterwards to go to Wollkorb with her...she needs more Noro Silk Garden for the scarf she's making. *LOL* It seems I've now spread the Noro bugs around in the Stitch N Bitch group.
If you were concerned about my entry yesterday....well, it's kinda okay now. HeWhoMustNotBeNamed got home at about 12.30 a.m. last night....the only thing I'm a tad angry about is that he didn't even bring me a thing out of Paris, and he actually promised me to do so as a compensation for not having been there on my birthday.
Well, maybe he still has something there, but haven't packed it out yet. However, knowing him well enough, I'm not expecting anything anymore....*le sigh*
(Shut up, all of you who wants to criticise his action. I know what I'm doing. I know that it sounds crazy that I'm putting up with this. I just want to vent and rant. If I wanted out, I'd have say so and ask for help. At the moment, the only thing I need is to vent. So, shut up....unless you want to make compliments on my Kolenya. *LOL*)
A note to
1twistedsister: I'm okay, hon. Thanks for your message last night. BTW, my Kolenya's colours really will go great with the scarf you're making for me! ;)
-----Edit-----(Tue 07.03.06, 08.40 p.m.)
Okay...I've just got something LOADS better than a trinket from Paris. ;)