JGOB, Tuesday afternoon

Feb 28, 2017 12:17

"You know, the king cake actually finds its origins in ancient Bohemia," Jenkins said, as he accepted a slice of brightly died purple and green cake from the clerk (the bakery was not about to be outdone by the dorm common rooms). "Of course at the time it had nothing to do with the Epiphany or Lent, but was rather a prototypical Feast of Fools. Celebrations centered around role reversal can be found in dozens of cultures all over the world -- our modern Halloween, for instance, is an excellent example of just such a celebration --"

The flamingo which had been following him around town since Friday started choking on the plastic baby. Jenkins sighed.

"I did tell you not to feed it."

The flamingo coughed up the baby, sending it ricocheting all over the shop. The clerk balanced a small plastic crown on its head as reward. It went very well with the flamingo's assortment of plastic beads.

Jenkins went to find himself a table, wearing his own assortment of plastic beads in lieu of a shirt under his suit jacket with a certain long suffering dignity. He'd done his sarcastic congratulations to the island for such incredible originality back in his lab this morning.

At least the enforced frivolity came with cake.

[it's Jenkins' first random event! \o/ Open!]

jenkins, jgob

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