The Boards, Thursday

Feb 09, 2017 12:03

Ah... that holiday was coming up, and Jono realized, perhaps a little belatedly, that perhaps it would be an excellent opportunity to do... something... with the Boards.

What, he wasn't quite sure. It was far too short notice to really organize some sort of dinner theatre, and he was still fairly certain that organizing a band on the island would be... fun. In that sort of way that suggested that he could think of a handful of talented musicians already, but their willingness to actually rehearse and perform was... not so great, necessarily. Which meant that today, mostly he was going to just thump his forehead against the desk in his office, trying to come up with options.

Valentine's concert?

Valentine's... improv night?

Valentine's burn the building down in a fit? No, he couldn't do that, he had tenants upstairs now. Bloody hell.

Valentine's schmalentine's.

[OOC: Open Boards! Jono... might need some brainstorming assistance on this one. Or just someone to save his poor forehead from bruising.]

boards, jonothon evan starsmore, ino yamanaka

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