Luke's, Saturday

Dec 19, 2015 11:33

Eliot's dreams last night hadn't been anywhere near as awful as they'd been the night before, just the usual anxieties about ferret!Parker getting trampled or Hardison deciding he couldn't be with a man he didn't trust, a "damn killer", and leaving. Eliot had a blissful few moments after waking of imagining that yesterday had been a one day thing -- and then he'd seen his mother's dead body draped over the couch, just like she'd been when he was fifteen.

After that -- and a listen to the radio to catch up on all the other crap that had gone down yesterday -- he grabbed Val (who Parker was having apparently a glorious time riding around like a little ferret cavalry officer) and his sword, gave Hardison strict orders not to get himself stuck in another coffin while Eliot was gone -- or, you know, ever -- and then headed for the diner to make sure the place was secure and his staff hadn't gotten themselves killed.

A wave of terror hit him as he entered, making him balk for a moment, but he was pretty used to pushing that down and he drew his sword, keeping Val and Parker behind him as he entered -- to find his staff cowering behind the lunch counter while an extraordinarily large spider climbed up on one of the booths.

Anger immediately overrode the terror and Eliot noticed the kitchen staff slowly standing up behind the counter as he stalked towards the spider, dodged a swipe of one of its legs, and ran it through, pinning it to the table until the death spasms stopped.

"Alright," he growled. "Which one of you idiots let that damn thing in?"

Today's specials
Take shelter in the freezer with the polar bears

Luke's was open. Ish.

eliot spencer, karla, lukes, alec hardison

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