Homecoming Dance | Town Hall | Friday Evening | Post II

Oct 20, 2012 10:14

It was somehow even more glittery than it had been earlier in the evening, though there was still time for any latecomers to show before the moment you'd all been waiting for.

And your 2012 Homecoming Court Is...

[ Arrive + Mingle | Homecoming Court | Drinks + Snacks | Chaperones | Dancing | Shadowy Corners | OOC | Post 1 ]

homecoming, stiles stilinski, hanna marin, kenzi, lucrezia borgia, april ludgate, minerva mcgonagall, stephanie brown, cassidy of dharo, marasiah fel, jessica drew, bruce wayne, petra west, evan sabahnur, topher brink, victor mancha, tony stark, dances, bucky katt

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Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 hasadestiny October 19 2012, 23:15:34 UTC
Be sure to quiet down for Principal McGonagall's announcement.


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 vaguelyretired October 20 2012, 00:31:51 UTC
Minerva had to admit, the dance's theme wasn't quite as disturbing as she'd expected it to be, but she was still being especially careful to not get glitter on her robes. "Good evening," she said with a small smile. "The votes for this year's Homecoming Court have been tallied, and I am pleased to announce the following kings and queens: for freshmen, Evan Sabahnur, Bucky Katt - for the male side only - and Liara T'Soni, for sophomores, Toby Logan and Minako Aino, for juniors, Billy Kaplan, Cade, Jessica Drew, and Karolina Dean, and your senior king and queen are Tony Stark and Petra West. Congratulations to you all."

You'd all have to grab your own crowns though, because Minerva was backing away before more sparkly things got near her.


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 craftyladyparts October 20 2012, 01:08:11 UTC
"What just happened? Did I pass out and go to Crazytown? I'm passed out on the floor, gibbering senselessly, aren't I?" Jessica asked nobody in particular. This was just the kind of thing that inspired questions like that."


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 genesishero October 20 2012, 01:10:04 UTC
Evan was going to kind of stand there, blinking stupidly.

"Wait, me?"

Well, that had been wholly unexpected.

"Does that mean that Bucky and I both get to dance with Liara...?"


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 nothornlessrose October 20 2012, 01:57:16 UTC
Cassidy applauded and cheered for Evan.


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 monkeymonkeydie October 20 2012, 02:44:27 UTC
"No, YOU have to dance with her, monkey-boy! This cat don't cuddle!"


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 genesishero October 20 2012, 02:47:31 UTC
"I'm pretty sure I can handle that," Evan decided, blinking a little. 'Monkey-boy' was definitely a new one for him. "I mean, so you don't have to, of course."


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 monkeymonkeydie October 20 2012, 03:01:29 UTC
"You're not mocking me, are you?" Bucky demanded. "I hate it when people mock me. Sometimes it's hard to tell."


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 genesishero October 20 2012, 03:09:53 UTC
"I wouldn't dream of it," Evan replied, shaking his head in all earnestness. "And I do like being close to people, so it works out well for the both of us, right?"


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 fewerexplosions October 20 2012, 07:08:35 UTC
Evan was getting a decidedly panicky and confused look from a blue girl, oh, yes, he was.


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 genesishero October 20 2012, 07:15:52 UTC
Oh, poor Liara. Evan shot her a reassuring little smile, nodding over to the assortment of crowns and tiaras that were there waiting to be claimed.

"It's Homecoming Court," he explained. "At the biggest dances each year, they elect people to wear the crowns and they... well... they dance, I guess. I'm kind of new at this, too."

A beat.

"I think it's mostly a popularity contest. Which means that the Freshman class likes you, and that's good, right?"

He was sort of in the process of wrapping his head around the fact that the Freshman class liked him, too. Just as much as they liked the cat, who was... kind of mean.


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 fewerexplosions October 20 2012, 07:20:08 UTC
"I saw the ballot," Liara said, though she still sounded awfully lost. "I wrote your name down, but I was not certain what it was for."

Clearly that had been a mistake. She should have asked Yeul!

"So I have to... wear a crown?"


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 genesishero October 20 2012, 07:26:22 UTC
Evan smiled a little. He'd written her name down, too, though it had been a difficult choice between her and Yeul.

"I don't think they'll force you if you don't want to," he decided, "but it's probably in the spirit of the dance, you know? They kind of... expect it. And we won't be the only ones wearing one, so that's not too bad either, right?"

See? Not totally the center of attention! At least they were just Freshmen prince and princess, and not king and queen or anything like that.


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 fewerexplosions October 20 2012, 07:28:38 UTC
Even in her own home town, at her own school, Liara had never exactly been a) popular or b) in the center of attention (except for people trying to suck up to her mom), so excuse her if she did a little more flailing before... going for the crowns.

"And then there's a dance?" she asked, pausing.


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 genesishero October 20 2012, 07:32:04 UTC
"Traditionally," Evan agreed, picking up his own crown and giving it a curious little looking-over. "I think it's probably most important that the king and queen have a dance, though, so... if you're not comfortable or anything, I mean, we don't have to, either."

He turned his crown over a few times, more a nervous fidget than anything else, and then shrugged his shoulders a little.

"I haven't ever really done much dancing."



Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 fewerexplosions October 20 2012, 07:35:50 UTC
Liara took her own crown in hand. She was seriously contemplating taking up Evan's offer - she had had some dancing lessons, but she was very well aware that her skills did not lay in that particular field.

"My mother made me take classes," she said. "I think we should be fine..."

On the other hand, the crown fit kind of awkwardly over her crest.


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