Homecoming Dance | Town Hall | Friday Evening | Post II

Oct 20, 2012 10:14

It was somehow even more glittery than it had been earlier in the evening, though there was still time for any latecomers to show before the moment you'd all been waiting for.

And your 2012 Homecoming Court Is...

[ Arrive + Mingle | Homecoming Court | Drinks + Snacks | Chaperones | Dancing | Shadowy Corners | OOC | Post 1 ]

homecoming, stiles stilinski, hanna marin, kenzi, lucrezia borgia, april ludgate, minerva mcgonagall, stephanie brown, cassidy of dharo, marasiah fel, jessica drew, bruce wayne, petra west, evan sabahnur, topher brink, victor mancha, tony stark, dances, bucky katt

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Comments 106

Arrive + Mingle Fashionably Late | Homecoming 2012 hasadestiny October 19 2012, 23:14:43 UTC
Don't worry, no doubt your clothes will be as glittery as everyone else's soon enough.


Re: Arrive + Mingle Fashionably Late | Homecoming 2012 willbethenight October 20 2012, 00:47:31 UTC
Bruce made it to the island slightly late - figuring out the timing for travel had become a bit less intuitive since Fandom slowed down compared to his world - but still well before the court announcement. He was curious who would take his crown, sue him. And yes, he was going to miss several days in his world to find out.

Shut up, he was not obsessive. And the fact that his suit was without a trace of glitter even minutes after arriving didn't disprove that statement.


Re: Arrive + Mingle Fashionably Late | Homecoming 2012 holy_daughter October 20 2012, 03:13:40 UTC
"Bruce," Lucrezia said, approaching him and offering a curtsy. "You're looking well. Have you been on any adventures since last we met?"

She was wearing a considerably more refined gown than she had the previous Homecoming. Tonight wasn't a night for dramatics.


Re: Arrive + Mingle Fashionably Late | Homecoming 2012 willbethenight October 20 2012, 03:21:12 UTC
"Good evening, Lucrezia," Bruce said. "I'd pay you similar compliments, but you must be have heard enough by now to be bored of them."

"Unfortunately, the only real adventure I've had since the last time I was in Fandom is into the realm of higher education. It's a very different kind of adventure."


Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 hasadestiny October 19 2012, 23:15:34 UTC
Be sure to quiet down for Principal McGonagall's announcement.


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 vaguelyretired October 20 2012, 00:31:51 UTC
Minerva had to admit, the dance's theme wasn't quite as disturbing as she'd expected it to be, but she was still being especially careful to not get glitter on her robes. "Good evening," she said with a small smile. "The votes for this year's Homecoming Court have been tallied, and I am pleased to announce the following kings and queens: for freshmen, Evan Sabahnur, Bucky Katt - for the male side only - and Liara T'Soni, for sophomores, Toby Logan and Minako Aino, for juniors, Billy Kaplan, Cade, Jessica Drew, and Karolina Dean, and your senior king and queen are Tony Stark and Petra West. Congratulations to you all."

You'd all have to grab your own crowns though, because Minerva was backing away before more sparkly things got near her.


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 craftyladyparts October 20 2012, 01:08:11 UTC
"What just happened? Did I pass out and go to Crazytown? I'm passed out on the floor, gibbering senselessly, aren't I?" Jessica asked nobody in particular. This was just the kind of thing that inspired questions like that."


Re: Homecoming Court | Homecoming 2012 genesishero October 20 2012, 01:10:04 UTC
Evan was going to kind of stand there, blinking stupidly.

"Wait, me?"

Well, that had been wholly unexpected.

"Does that mean that Bucky and I both get to dance with Liara...?"


Spiked Drinks + Snacks | Homecoming 2012 hasadestiny October 19 2012, 23:16:17 UTC
Is there enough alcohol in the world to make you forget about sparklewolves?


Re: Spiked Drinks + Snacks | Homecoming 2012 robinonadderall October 19 2012, 23:52:44 UTC
Now this is what Stiles had been waiting for. A normal dance activity that wasn't getting mauled or kidnapped.

Oh yeah, people were getting drunk dialed later.


Re: Spiked Drinks + Snacks | Homecoming 2012 notconflicted October 20 2012, 01:07:41 UTC
After a while Sia went to get a drink, and took one sip before deciding that yes, this was definitely alcoholic. Thank you, Atton, for that sort of accidental training.


Re: Spiked Drinks + Snacks | Homecoming 2012 new_it_girl October 20 2012, 01:13:31 UTC
Hanna left her quiet shadowy corner once she was sure the punch had been spiked. After the last few weeks she had been through, she totally deserved an alcoholic beverage or two. Or three.


Sadly Non-Lupine Chaperones | Homecoming 2012 hasadestiny October 19 2012, 23:16:40 UTC
Who are making the theme a lie.



Re: Sadly Non-Lupine Chaperones | Homecoming 2012 hatesmoststuff October 20 2012, 01:16:04 UTC
Oh, April was smashed by now.

Her gay boyfriends were apparently smashed too back in Pawnee, because they were texting her dirty pictures. April wasn't even shielding her phone as she looked at them, just kind of snickering.


Keep Dancing | Homecoming 2012 hasadestiny October 19 2012, 23:16:59 UTC
The DJ has plenty more songs in their set list.


Re: Keep Dancing | Homecoming 2012 dollpocalypse October 20 2012, 01:14:29 UTC
Topher was now sans one dance partner, which -- thoroughly exciting as it was (did that mean Billy was popular? Was Topher popular now by extension?) -- meant that he could be found getting off the dance floor as quickly as possible, thanks.

With Billy it was kind of fun. Alone it was kind of a recipe for him to trip over a bunch of people and cause some kind of domino catastrophe.


Re: Keep Dancing | Homecoming 2012 hoorayimrich October 20 2012, 01:31:37 UTC
"Now, try not to fall for me here," Tony said seriously, hand out for Petra. "Stephanie will get all kinds of jealous."

Which was a lie.


Re: Keep Dancing | Homecoming 2012 wasthecuteone October 20 2012, 01:43:39 UTC
"I'll do my best," Petra promised solemnly as she took Tony's hand.

She wasn't taking off her heels for this dance, Tony. Just so you knew.


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