Tyler was Not Looking at Ghanima as everyone gathered for Fight Club. Wednesday had been fun, but he mostly felt like the whole encounter was some bizarre dream.
"Evening," he said, jutting his chin. "Welcome to Fight Club, where you can work out whatever frustrations left after this week, if you have any."
"If you have any left, you weren't doing it right," Ghanima said, keeping her face perfectly innocent. "That's what the gym is for, children. Working out frustrations."
If Tyler was going to be five about this, Ghani was just going to pick on him.
Five was probably giving Tyler too much credit. "Working out frustrations and making new friends," he said, finally glancing to the woman. "Sometimes by knocking them over. Fights for this week ... oh, you, you, you and you, it's been a while for you, and -- Ghanima, do your worst on the rest."
"I'll save my worst for another time," she answered, quickly selecting people that complemented each other nicely. "It's no fun if you all know what to expect."
"Now get to it."
[OOC: Preplayed with
atreideslioness, wait for OCD up. Please see a special notice in