The Perk - Sunday late afternoon

Mar 16, 2008 20:49

Liir felt a curious case of deja vu. Here he was, after a great journey. After the loss of someone who meant so much to him.

Waiting in a cafe.

The differences, though, were important. For one, his hand was wrapped around the handle of the broom. For another, he knew that the person who meant so much would be back. And almost like history ( Read more... )

perk, liir thropp

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a_no_brainer March 17 2008, 01:12:07 UTC
A left, and then a right, or was it the other way around? Glitch was scrambling, synapses still going in all directions as opposed to the ones he needed at the moment, and he was trying very hard to just be thankful that he wasn't being followed by something large and hungry.

It took him a little longer than expected to make his way to the Perk, but it wasn't for lack of wanting to be there.

He had to make sure Liir was back, and safe, and not eaten by anything that had once been on display.

All of that might be why he simply skipped the greeting once he got inside and went, instead, for a hug. Hugs were always good at the ends of thrilling adventures.


new_to_liirness March 17 2008, 01:13:26 UTC
Liir startled at first before hugging him back and holding on. Tight.

"Are you all right?" he asked immediately.


a_no_brainer March 17 2008, 01:18:13 UTC
This only helped to confirm Glitch's thought that hugs at the end of adventures should be mandatory.

"I'm fine. There were lions though. Are you?"


new_to_liirness March 17 2008, 01:21:11 UTC
He began to nod.

Then he wobbled a hand. Professor Ambrose deserved honesty.

"Mostly. Where did you go?"


a_no_brainer March 17 2008, 01:28:59 UTC
The hand wobble was worrying.

"A museum. I think," he said, considering it. He wasn't exactly sure.

Glitch was serious, though, when he leaned back and looked at Liir. "What happened?"


new_to_liirness March 17 2008, 01:30:35 UTC
He shrugged.

"An asylum. It wasn't a pleasant place. The memories that were there were..."

He shook it off. They'd get to the deer eventually. But he wanted to know about the museum.

"Museum? That sounds interesting."


a_no_brainer March 17 2008, 01:37:18 UTC
"There were lions, and I don't think I'm going to go back any time soon," he said simply.

"What about the memories there?"

Sometimes, like now, Glitch could actually stay focused. He was very grateful for those times.


new_to_liirness March 17 2008, 01:39:43 UTC
"They were unpleasant and I couldn't really shut them up."

He blinked then, mostly to try and distract.

"Lions? Or were they just lions? I'm familiar enough with the first."


a_no_brainer March 17 2008, 01:45:41 UTC
"The, uhm, the shields your friend showed you didn't work?" If that was the case, he might have to talk to the Queen.

Glitch winced, a little, at the question.

"Well, they didn't talk to me, so I think they were just lions. Ones that were supposed to be on display, but, got out."

There was really no other way for him to explain that.


new_to_liirness March 17 2008, 01:47:49 UTC
"They work when I'm asleep. They're too thick for day to day use, though. I feel blind with them on. We're working on it, though. And there was--"

He broke off on that thought, curious about something else.

"...aren't the living lions at the zoo?" he asked.


a_no_brainer March 17 2008, 01:54:05 UTC
That derailed his synapses' carefully aligned train of thought fairly well.

"These ones weren't," he said. His hands kind of moved in a gesture that expressed just how much he was giving up on trying to understand just what that was all about. "Maybe they have living lions at museums sometimes, I don't know."


new_to_liirness March 17 2008, 01:59:23 UTC
"Maybe it wasn't a very good museum," he said thoughtfully. "After all, if the lions were out and bothering people..."


a_no_brainer March 17 2008, 02:05:37 UTC
"They weren't out until after we broke in."

He thought about that for a moment.

"Maybe that's why..."


new_to_liirness March 17 2008, 02:12:45 UTC
"You broke in?"

That seemed...

It was illegal! His father was doing illegal things! Bucking the system! Breaking the rules! Defying the law!

...all right, so it wasn't anything new, but it was unexpected all the same.


a_no_brainer March 17 2008, 02:20:08 UTC
"It isn't the first time I've had to sneak in someplace. There was a lot less leather this time, though."

Yes, he'll explain that if asked. And no, he really was not fond of having to wear a Longcoat's uniform for any length of time. For now, though, he just shook his head at remembering it.


new_to_liirness March 17 2008, 02:29:18 UTC
" leather required then, for that sort of thing?"

He was wondering now because of Vala's detention and now this.


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