The Perk - Sunday late afternoon

Mar 16, 2008 20:49

Liir felt a curious case of deja vu. Here he was, after a great journey. After the loss of someone who meant so much to him.

Waiting in a cafe.

The differences, though, were important. For one, his hand was wrapped around the handle of the broom. For another, he knew that the person who meant so much would be back. And almost like history repeating, he knew Professor Ambrose would come for him.

His Scarecrow.

No, that was disrespectful.

His Father.

That had him smiling as he sipped at his hot chocolate, and though the smile didn't reach his eyes, that had nothing to do with Professor Ambrose and everything to do with the rest of this week.

[Liir's thread is for one, please, but the rest of the post is open for Perk-tastic usage! ETA: ...and it totally always said Sunday]

perk, liir thropp

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