It was a foggy damp morning yet again in Fandom and the weather was the least of Fandom's worries. Though more trolls had remembered their orders and finally straggled in to either Efferton or the church, a good number were still caught up in the joys of smashing and pillaging. And there was so many lovely breakable things in this town!
Almost every street you went down you could see a troll or two happily engaged in their finest art -- Making Things Into Much Smaller Broken Things. There may have even been the occasional troll singing in its trollish way. A destructive troll was a happy troll and these were very happy trolls.
[OOC: for Sunday's rampaging trolls, there will be a couple of OCD's going up for businesses that have yet to be visited.
locations in this post:
57 Apocalypse Ave (formerly Triple Deak Ice Rink)
Jack's Roses The Devil's Nest]