Maximum Dimensions of Submissions
Any submission whose width and/or height exceeds 600
pixels is considered too!big.
Free Online Resize/Crop Tools
- resizr - Also crops and does all sorts of neat things.
- ImageShack - Check "resize image". Also hosts pictures.
- tinypic - Select 320x240 or smaller under "resize". Also hosts pictures.
Graphic Editing Programs and Methods
- Adobe Photo$hop.
- The GIMP - FREE. Get it if you don’t have P$, seriously. No one should have to put up with MS Paint.
- OpenCanvas.
- Microsoft Paint.
- Tegaki E -> resize -> submit secret -> delete entry on Tegaki E.
- Notepad/MS Word screenshot -> paste to MS Paint and save as PNG/JPG/GIF.
- Blingee
Design Tips (More coming!)
- Don't force people to read on a brightly colored background.
- Use fonts with simple shapes in body/small text and save your fancy Medieval drop capitals for big headers.
- The flow or the way your secret is meant to be read should be self-explanatory. Unscramble your secret.
real_serious is real serious about not looking at illegible or ugly secrets.
- It's not tl;dr if it looks short.
- Techniques of making text more legible on busy backgrounds.
- Don't use animations unless your secret calls for it.
If you have a hard time reading your own secret, then why should we bother?
Free Online Image Hosting Services; Direct Linking
Yanked from
Also resizes pictures if necessary.
Also resizes pictures if necessary. Occasionally down for maintenance.
Also resizes pictures if necessary.
Requires sign-up.
Your best bet for NSFW images.
Free Image Hosting