Meerkat Campfire, Late morning

Jul 23, 2006 10:04

After an early morning trip to JGoB to pick up a few boxes of doughnuts, Isabel took a seat next to the Meerkat campfire and sipped her coffee, still snickering when she thought of the radio broadcast.

[ooc: Open to all.]

meerkat, isabel evans, peter parker, rory gilmore, aeryn sun, m parker, alanna trebond, tyler durden

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Comments 274

peter__parker July 23 2006, 14:48:06 UTC
Peter wandered over to Meerkat and grabbed a donut. "Hey, Isabel. Thanks for breakfast. Assuming they are for visitors and you're not just extremely hungry."


izzyalienqueen July 23 2006, 14:55:02 UTC
"Help yourself," she smiled. "I figured people would like the comfort food when they woke up this morning. Nice hair by the way."


peter__parker July 23 2006, 15:04:12 UTC
"Thanks," Peter said. "After the insanity yesterday, I finally let Zero play with the hair. I figured it couldn't hurt. And it didn't!"


izzyalienqueen July 23 2006, 15:07:12 UTC
"Insanity is one word for it," Isabel grinned shaking her head. "I'm not sure how I'm going to explain to Greg that I have a date with English Peter."


tyler_gone July 23 2006, 14:49:34 UTC
Tyler took the largest mug he had and filled it with coffee. He huddled with it close to his body and looked warily around. "Hi Isabel."


izzyalienqueen July 23 2006, 14:55:43 UTC
"Morning Tyler!" She raised an eyebrow, "Hiding from someone?"


tyler_gone July 23 2006, 15:15:32 UTC
"I bought a pocket protector," Tyler explained. "I let Pippi Longstocking push me around."

He closed his eyes. "Yesterday was not a good day."


izzyalienqueen July 23 2006, 15:19:45 UTC
"I can see where that might be a little uncomfortable," Isabel nodded, trying not to laugh and mostly succeeding. "Yesterday was pretty funny if you weren't involved. Well, as long as you didn't find your significant other hanging off another girl," she said thinking of Dawn.


can_be_more July 23 2006, 16:01:20 UTC
Aeryn's actually already packed for the dorms. She didn't bring a lot of stuff and she's really kind of eager to get back there, but at the same time, it's the last campfire. She wanders out, nodding a greeting to the others.


izzyalienqueen July 23 2006, 16:05:54 UTC
"Morning," Isabel waved. "Doughnut?"


can_be_more July 23 2006, 16:08:53 UTC
She peers at it. "I've seen them, never had one," she says. "Is it good?"


izzyalienqueen July 23 2006, 16:34:04 UTC
"Very," Isabel nodded. "It's a sweet dough that's fried. Yes, I know, very unhealthy. But still tasty." She pointed to one in the box, "This is my favorite, it's filled with raspberry jelly."


mparkerceo July 23 2006, 17:50:52 UTC
Parker wants back in the dorms, with her bunny and her privacy, ASAP. She also wants to slap anyone who calls her ChaCha. But she'll settle for food, and possibly? Booze.

"Hey, Isabel." Shades on. It's the only disguise Parker's got. "Mind if I take one?"


izzyalienqueen July 23 2006, 18:04:55 UTC
"Help yourself. I figured comfort food was the order of the day today." Isabel smiled, but still studied Parker with some concern. "Are you okay? I heard the radio."


mparkerceo July 23 2006, 18:11:16 UTC
"Ohh, I'm fine. Fine." Parker rubbed her head. "Traumatized, of course. But fine." She scowled, and lifted the sleeve of her shirt to reveal a nicotine patch. "Except for the lingering effects." She took a donut and glumly munched on it.


izzyalienqueen July 23 2006, 18:15:10 UTC
"Gah! I never thought of that," she said. "I can see where the trauma might have happened. Anakin? I'm so sorry," Isabel said apologetically. "If I'd seen it happening I would have knocked you over the head and dragged you away."


auroryborealis July 23 2006, 20:09:47 UTC
Careful observers might have caught sight of a small, hooded, vaguely Rory-shaped person running into Meerkat for a moment.

Two minutes later, a very distinctly Rory-shaped person emerged, wearing a sweatshirt with the hood up so no one could see her hair.

"Isabel," Rory whined oh-so-pathetically, sidling up to her. "I have a problem."


mparkerceo July 23 2006, 20:21:58 UTC
Parker looked up, and then pushed her sunglasses up her nose to hide her eyes. "Hey. Rory. Um. Hi."

Right. Parkers don't flail. They just go monosyllabic.


auroryborealis July 23 2006, 20:23:41 UTC
Rory crossed her arms. "Hi. Want to maybe never speak of yesterday?"


mparkerceo July 23 2006, 20:26:59 UTC
"God yes. Thank you. Sorry. Never happened." Parker took a breath and looked at Rory over her shades. "How's His Grumpiness? Leaving the planet? Or should I move to Tibet?"


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