Nervous about tonight's workshop, Tim decided fretting in his room was doing him no good at all, so he headed into the common room, from which nice smells were emanating.
Tim nodded. "I haven't been here long, but I'm pretty sure food is a good way to draw people. So you're really going for the sociable thing eh?" he smiled.
Tempe grinned shyly. "Well, I figure it's better than hiding in my room all the time reading. It's nice to have people to talk to from time to time. Plus, if I get carted off by a giant glitter monster later this summer, someone might actually notice that I'm gone."
"...not that I'm planning to get carted off by any such monsters," Tempe added, shaking her head slightly.
"I'm not sure many people plan on that." Tim said. "At least not without safewords and extensive negotiation before hand." *blink* "I have no idea where that came from."
She patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Tim. If I hadn't been amused, I probably would've been oblivious, like I usually am when people make such comments."
"...and if I had been horrified or offended, I would've just thrown something at you. Like a cookie." Because that was going to make him feel better...
Tempe waved as he entered. She held the plate of cookies out to him. "Cookie?"
"Plus, I thought it might draw more people I haven't met out of their rooms."
"...not that I'm planning to get carted off by any such monsters," Tempe added, shaking her head slightly.
However, the shock and incredulity was quickly taken over by a fit of giggles.
"Ahem. Sorry about that. Just struck me as funny."
She crammed the rest of her cookie in her mouth to stifle the rest of the giggles.
"...and if I had been horrified or offended, I would've just thrown something at you. Like a cookie." Because that was going to make him feel better...
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