Magic/Support Reserves Meeting, Main Campfire, Wednesday After Classes

May 26, 2010 08:11

In theory, Tara knew everyone who came to a Reserves meeting was her friend. That theory wasn't helping her case of the jitters about leading the meeting as much as she'd like. She couldn't look at the group as a whole, or at Kennedy, or at Karla, Raven and Emmett; she was sure she'd completely lose the ability to speak if she did. She settled for glancing between her notecards and a neutral point on the ground a few feet from the altar she stood beside as she spoke, talking slowly and softly so as to minimize the chance she would stutter.

"Hi," she said. "My demonstration today is mostly for the magic reserves side, so, uh ... support people, if you want some extra chips or something, we have plenty? I'll be done in a minute."

She brushed her hair out of her face, pausing for a moment before continuing. "What we're talking about today is hiding magic. Th-there are plenty of times when you might need to do that, even if you're from a world where everybody uses magic. Say you have a parent or roommate who doesn't like that you're a witch. Or you're in danger and you don't want the people you're working against to know everything you're doing. Or even if you just need to clean up your workspace really fast.

She attempted a smile. "I'd like to hear ideas from the rest of you about what you might do in one of those situations, but first I'm going to show you a spell I've been working on. It's makes all enchanted implements and magical supplies invisible. It, um, was meant to make it so people couldn't see demons. I changed it up a little, 'cause you kinda want to see demons if they're around." She felt like she was babbling, and idly wondered if, as a witch, she'd count as a 'magical supply' for purposes of the spell. Some part of her felt it would be nice if she did.

She shoved that wish to the back of her mind as she poured a little reddish powder from a vial into her palm. "I'm invoking a goddess. The spell s-sounds sort of spooky, but ... a whole bunch of them do. If this works, the book, crystal and herbs on my altar will disappear."

She closed her eyes for a second to focus, then raised her voice again. "Blind Cadria, desolate queen, work my will upon them all. Your curse upon these tools, my obeisance to you." She blew the powder over the altar.

It would be hard to say if she opened her eyes again, since, an instant after she'd performed the rite, Tara seemingly vanished into thin air. Her voice came from above the altar. "That's it," she said, sounding disappointed the book, crystal and herbs were still in place. "... guys?"

[OOC: Up early to maximize time for invisibility! Subthread for post-spell support and recovery here. Edit: Invisible people are free to move around the island, and will return to visibility when the spell breaks no matter where they are.]

magic reserves, harper finkle, cassidy of dharo, support services, chloe saunders, alex russo, jonothon evan starsmore, diana hansen, chloe sullivan, leda, kennedy, dandelion naizen, karla, emmett honeycutt, tara maclay, raven

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