Third Floor Common Room / January 16 / Morning

Jan 16, 2010 23:32

Azula with her left cheek stinging woke to the cold. It was cold and dark and when she attempted to open the light fixtures no light came on. Azula went out to investigate. The outside world was blanketed in snow, she moved to the common room and found a fireplace. A surprise since there was none before. There was, Azula concluded, no use questioning it. The island turned her into a man, providing a fireplace was nothing to its incomprehensible magic.

She walked to the fireplace and with a flick of her hand ignited the logs.

The fire burned blue until she was satisfied the room was as warm as she wanted. Azula smirked, perfect. She released the fire and the blue flames faded into the normal weak orange color.

She prepared tea and after steeping the tea Azula sat down and drank. She could tell this was going to be a strange day.


liir thropp, 3rd floor common room, karla, chuck bartowski, azula

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