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moonbrain_tam January 11 2008, 22:28:00 UTC
A sneak snowball came flying through the air, dangerously close to Luke. If he was unlucky it might even hit him.


tatooine_doofus January 11 2008, 22:44:00 UTC
It hovered a few inches in front of his face as he noticed it. "That wasn't very nice," he said with a grin.


moonbrain_tam January 11 2008, 22:47:32 UTC
"Still, you're smiling." River giggled, then fell backwards into the snow, then made a snow angel.


tatooine_doofus January 11 2008, 22:57:37 UTC
"I never, ever get tired of snow," he said, tossing a handful of snow over at her.


moonbrain_tam January 11 2008, 23:09:31 UTC
River closed her eyes and let the snow fall over her face. "Precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice," she said, then stretched out her tongue to taste it.


tatooine_doofus January 11 2008, 23:15:24 UTC
"We didn't have a lot of either at home," Luke said, tasting some as well. "Think it would be better with syrup?"


moonbrain_tam January 11 2008, 23:22:02 UTC
"No," River replied. "Too sweet. Just frosty and cold." She sat up, looking thoughtful.


tatooine_doofus January 11 2008, 23:30:11 UTC
"You have something in mind," Luke said, grinning at her.


moonbrain_tam January 11 2008, 23:35:43 UTC
"It snowed on Osiris once when I was a child. Killed half of the plants in the garden. I cried for them." She smiled sadly.


tatooine_doofus January 11 2008, 23:44:35 UTC
Luke's expression turned instantly sympathetic. "I'm sorry," he said. "Was there not enough warning to save them?"


moonbrain_tam January 11 2008, 23:55:30 UTC
She shook her head sadly. "Too many, too much snow. Froze to death."


tatooine_doofus January 12 2008, 01:24:21 UTC
"That's too bad," Luke said softly. He looked around at the trees. "I think everything here has already gone to bed for the winter, though."


moonbrain_tam January 12 2008, 08:31:36 UTC
There was a sudden smile now. "They have. Sleepwalkers in a frozen desert." Then a snowball was hurled in Luke's direction.


tatooine_doofus January 12 2008, 20:23:56 UTC
"Hey!" Luke said as the snowball hit his shoulder.


moonbrain_tam January 12 2008, 20:41:07 UTC
"Always strike when the target suspects it the least." She smiled sweelt at Luke.


tatooine_doofus January 12 2008, 20:47:52 UTC
"I'll remember that," Luke said, wrinkling his nose up.


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