Outside the dorms [afternoon]

Jan 11, 2008 13:48

Okay, so How to Be Cool Class was going to be...trying.

But that didn't matter to Luke because today there was snow!

He'd spent much of the break in Connecticut, which was why he knew the most appropriate thing to do when he went back outside (bundled beyond all reason because when it came down to it, he was still from Tatooine) was to fall backwards and make snow angels.

The giggling part was completely voluntarily.

[OOC: Come play in the snow!]

Rocks and Trees - The Arrogant Worms

gavin darklighter, seely booth, grounds, aravis tarkheena, karal austreben, sokka, teyla emmagan, adah price, inara serra, romeo montague, luke skywalker, john sheppard, river tam

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