IMPORTANT: Fandom High Handbook

Jan 01, 2006 21:27

Here you will find detailed the new set of rules and guidelines for Fandom High. Note that for the most part this is simply revisions and clarification of the old set of rules. There is only one new rule in the entire bunch, and that itself is only an establishment of an IC rule. Please take the time to read through the document at your soonest convenience.

The Communities
Fandom High is played in several official communities and the character journals of our players. For an event to be considered ‘canon’, it has to be in either a character journal or an official community. Each community has a purpose and should only be used for certain things. Here’s a list for easy access.

fandomhigh - this is the main community moderated by the admins
Content: Classes, Syllabuses, Teacher Notifications, Homework Assignments, Exams, Detention, School Club Meetings, etc.
Posting: You should only be posting here if you’re a teacher, admin, teacher’s assistant or club head.
Commenting: All teachers and students are welcome to comment on posts made in this community.

fandomhighdorms - this is the dorm community moderated by the admins
Content: On-campus business/life that isn’t part of clubs or classes. Shenanigans, explosions, riots, protests, magical escapades, school club correspondence/plotting, parties.
Posting: All students and teachers are allowed to post here. Try to label when and where you are (eg: Room 302, Saturday night) when posting.
Commenting: All students and teachers are allowed to comment here.

fandomtownies - this is the town (non-school) community moderated by _red_xiii_.
Content: All goings-on in town.
Posting: All players are allowed to post here. This is the domain of the townies.
Commenting: All players are allowed to comment here.

fandom_lounge - this is the teachers’ lounge moderated by the admins
Content: This is for teacher socialization, discussion, watching the cricket match and the heavy drinking you students drive us to.
Posting: Teachers only. No students allowed.
Commenting: Teachers only. No students allowed.

fandomassistants - this is the Teacher Assistants’ lounge.
Content: Any goings on in the TA lounge.
Posting: TAs only.
Commenting: Should be TAs only, but there may be exceptions.

fandom_clinic - the school clinic moderated by moderated by tooniceuglyties and gotcanewillpoke.
Content: Any goings on in the school clinic.
Posting: Should only be made by Dr House, Dr Wilson or the clinic assistants.
Commenting: All welcome.

fhclinic_charts - school clinic patient charts moderated by tooniceuglyties and gotcanewillpoke.
Content: Information about patients treated at the school clinic. All posts are locked to clinic personnel only.
Posting: Dr House, Dr Wilson and the clinic assistants only.
Commenting: Dr House, Dr Wilson and the clinic assistants only.

fhightimes - the school newspaper moderated by chloe_sullivan and courier_gavin.
Content: Issues of the school newspaper, in character.
Posting: Made by the editors only.
Commenting: Anyone may comment, but this community isn’t for interaction.

fandom_radio - the radio station moderated by likeguidelines.
Content: Radio broadcasts, in character. Recaps of the day’s events around Fandom.
Posting: Made by radio staff only.
Commenting: Anyone may comment, but this community isn’t for interaction.

fandomhigh_ooc - the out of character community moderated by the admins.
Content: Admin announcements, OOC announcements, OOC discussion and other OOC type stuff. (Not to be used for personal availability. Use your character journal for that.)
Posting: All players may post here.
Commenting: All players may comment here.

Character Information Pages
All characters in this game are required to have certain information in their user info profiles. This is to ensure that everyone has access to information about your character.

Character Name:
Email Address:
Voicemail Link:
Living Arrangements: (dorm room number or name of off-campus residence and roommates/housemates)

STUDENTS may also want to include the following:
A short blurb about your character so others know who they're interacting with. If you'd like, you can also put up your list of classes, your schedule, your extra-curriculars, your roommates and any other information about your character at Fandom High.

FACULTY must also list what subjects they are teaching this semester, list office hours and provide links to your course requirements, sign-ups and syllabi. Links to most recent classes would be excellent too, but are not required.

TOWNIES must also state their job and place of employment. Business owners should list their business details, including the name of the business, what services the business offers and opening hours.

If you require assistance, just ask.

The Friending List
In order to keep up with the game, you should friend all of the other character journals and communities. If you don’t friend everyone, you will miss out on vital plot points around the game and will be called up on it if you act in ignorance of these events.

A nice, shiny friending list is available, courtesy of krycek_rat and is updated regularly.

LJ-Fu (or How to Do the Nifty LiveJournal Stuff)
For those of you less livejournal-savvy than the lifers (so to speak) here are some useful links to help you keep your entries attractive and easy to read.

How to LJ-Cut
How to Link to Another Journal/Website.
How to insert an Image into Your Entry
How to Use Friends Filters

NOTE: When linking to multiple images or large images in a main post, PLEASE lj-cut. Thank you.

Age Limit: All players must be age 16 and up due to occasionally violent and suggestive content.

Maximum Characters: You get 4 characters maximum. They can be any combination of teachers, students and townies provided the characters are accepted during enrollment sessions. Each of your characters should get the same amount of attention. There is no 'primary', 'secondary' and 'tertiary' characters. Give them all the attention they deserve. If we notice you're neglecting one character for another, you'll be asked to drop a character. If we find out you've got more than the maximum, you'll lose all of your characters and will go on the ban list. Please don't try to trick us. We'll catch you and then it'll be awkward.

Enrollment: You may add one student/teacher/townie per enrollment until you reach the maximum. Just one. No more. You can only enroll when we're accepting new characters. These periods will be advertised. To enroll, you will have to send in an application (the form will be advertised) and then, if you're accepted, you'll get all of the info you need to get started.

The Dark Side: Fandom High is no longer accepting applications from evil characters. Too much evil causes headaches. We will be getting evil guest stars for plots, though, so if you want to play one express your interest in auditioning for the role when it comes up.

Life in Fandom
The Island/Town: Fandom is based on Mont St Michel. It's small. The maximum population is 200. We're all living on top of each other. The streets are really tiny. Scooters, foot traffic and motorcycles only. All cars must be left in the parking lot on the outskirts of town near the causeway to the mainland. There are no abandoned buildings/houses/shops/etc. There are also very few duplicate businesses. Try to avoid making up NPC businesses if PC ones already exist.

Exposure and Privacy: If your characters are having a conversation in a public place, you're leaving yourself open to interaction with others, either through interruptions or eavesdropping. If you want it to be private, do it in a private place (like a closed dorm room, closet, etc).

Fandom Radio: The Fandom Radio broadcasts (ie: what is said on the air) is IC knowledge. Once you click a link in the Fandom Radio posts, the information (ie: the actual scene) becomes OOC knowledge. If you don't want a scene broadcast, label it "NFB" (Not For Broadcast), otherwise it's up for grabs.

Crime and Punishment: Fandom Town has a police department. Expect violations of the law to be met with appropriate consequences. Fandom High has Rover who can detect rule infractions and trespassers. Rover will take you to the appropriate authorities for punishment which will usually lead to something inventively horrible courtesy of agent_principal or detention.

Weapons: Weapons are not allowed on campus outside of the firing range or fencing salle. Weaponry in town falls under the jurisdiction of the Fandom Town Police Department.

School Regulations
Violence On-Campus: If you take a swing at another character on school grounds, no matter the provocation, you are in trouble IC. Period.

Privacy: The common areas/public areas/classrooms/hallways/etc of the school are always being watched and recorded by advanced technology. Also? Principal Smith sees all.

Student/Faculty Relationships: IC there is a "no frakking way" policy. OOC, we're not banning them, but they have to happen in secret or there will be IC consequences.

Students Leaving the Island: Students must get permission from one of the school administrators to leave the island.

Detention: If students act up in class, don't do work or don't show up, faculty are allowed to give out detention. Detention is held on Saturday in the Danger Room (normally used for Shop and Driver's Ed). If your character has detention, they are not allowed to be anywhere else but detention on Saturdays. You are not permitted to do anything for that character (including finishing slow-play threads) but play out the detention thread until the faculty member in charge of detention dismisses you. If you cannot play out detention due to RL reasons, please contact bugofjustice OOC to make arrangements so your character can fulfil their detention requirements somehow.

RP Guidelines/Rules
Communication: Communication is your friend. When in doubt, talk it out.

Your Fandom: Don’t assume anything with regards to your fandom. Be sure to contact the players of other characters from your fandom to check what the precedent is and find out who is from which part of the timeline.

Canon Relationships: Canon relationships don't automatically translate to your character's relationships at Fandom High without the express permission of the other characters involved.

Approved Journals Only: Only approved character journals are allowed to participate in official Fandom High threads, including those on character journals. If there’s an unapproved journal commenting on one of your posts, tell them to stop it and then bring it to the admins. Players of unapproved journals may have their membership revoked (if they’re a current player with other characters) or be banned from joining in the future (if not currently a member).

Guest Stars: Yes, you’re allowed to have the occasional guest star for your plots. A separate journal can be created for sentient and semi-sentient guest stars. Don’t create journals for normally inanimate items. Please run your guest stars past the administration just so there’s a record kept of what characters have been where (to avoid doubling up on character appearances).

ICA=ICC: In Character Actions = In Character Consequences. Think before doing something, because you will be expected to deal with the consequences of your character's actions.

Diversity: Try to branch out from your fandom. This is about mixing up the fandoms, not clinging together.

Time and Timing: You can't be in two places at once. Take care to make sure you're not doubling up.

OOC vs IC: What you know as a player and what your character knows are two totally different things. This includes anything you learned from an unofficial game community. Don't use OOC knowledge IC. Period. When in doubt, talk to the other people involved OOC to clarify what should or shouldn't be known before posting. Also, IC issues remain IC. OOC issues remain OOC. If you let an OOC issue leak into IC interactions, you will be called on it.

Godmodding: Godmodding is indicating that another character carried out an action without permission of that character's player or doing something that will affect another character without the other player's permission. Don't do it. It's bad cricket. Ask before affecting other characters. Mistakes will happen, but if it's a regular habit admin action will be taken, including possible removal from the game. That would be bad.

Retconning: Don't go back and change the past. That includes rewriting unless directed to do so by the admins. It messes with continuity and gives everyone a headache. This is a big one. Don't do it or you'll be removed from the communities.

Magic and Combat: This is pretty much covered under 'godmodding'. If you take a swing or cast a spell at a person, you don't get to control the outcome. That's up to the player of the character you are attacking. It's much easier if you just work out the scene beforehand with the other player/s involved. The scene will flow easier. You cannot detect that someone is under the influence of magic or has used magic unless it's canonical for your character to be aware of such things. However, there are magic-sensitive characters in this game. Don't think you can cast a big spell and not have it noticed. No major magic is to be performed on the island without administrative permission.

Alternative Role-Playing: Playing by email or IMs is allowed. In order for your playing to be considered as game canon, you have to post the finished logs in your own character journal or in the appropriate community in a timely fashion (ie: ASAP). If it doesn't show up in your character journal or in the communities, it didn't happen. Also, you may not include external role-playing sessions with players that have left/been thrown out/players who aren't part of the game without admin approval. Try to keep external role-playing of events in public places to a minimum because it rules out the possibility of witnesses or possible consequences.

Deleting Journals: If you delete your journal or delete past entries or make them inaccessible, you are out of the game and will be on a permanent ban list. This is a one-strike offense. For real, don't do it.

Interfering/Getting Involved With Plots: If you want to interfere or get involved with someone else's plot, ask first.

Deaths: No player-character deaths.

Realism: We're wacky enough as it is. Try to keep things realistic. (ie: if you get hit by a bolt of lightning, play out the consequences!)

Character Expectations
Townies: All townies must have a visible means of support - either a business or a job. Townies are not allowed on school grounds unless it's for an event that is open to townies. Businesses need to be opened in a post at least once a week. Employees need to regularly show up for their shifts. Townies must also be legal adults (18+).

Students: Students are required to enroll in and regularly attend 3 classes. Students must also be involved in either an extra-curricular activity (eg. a club) or have a part-time job.

Faculty: Teachers are required to teach at least one class per semester. Classes must meet twice a week. You are expected to post these classes on time every week or hand it off to your TA in a timely fashion. You are also expected to come up with material for the classes, maintain an attendance roll, deal with students, come up with projects and grade said projects.

Characterization: Play the character you applied for. Don't add further mystical powers/amazing gadets afterwards without permission from the admins. Character development is great, provided you have a canonical base for the development. In short terms? Don't turn your character into a Mary Sue or an Original Character of any kind. You're playing a character from a fandom. Go with that.

Player Expectations
Keeping Traffic Down: If there's already a post for a particular location (eg. the second floor common room or the Perk), start a new thread in that post for your purposes rather than starting a new post. Just label it with where exactly you are and when to keep things clear.

Formatting: LiveJournal has a habit of making threads stretch off the page. To avoid this, start a new thread so people can follow along easier.

OOC comments in IC threads: Try to keep OOC comments to a minimum in IC threads. If need be, just start a new thread dedicated for OOC comments so those involved can keep track easier.

Slow-Play: Due to the international nature of the game, slow-playing scenes is allowed to a degree. Get it done ASAP and avoid it wherever possible. Emergencies and time zone clashes are reasons for slow-playing. Just because you feel like it isn't a good enough reason. It messes with continuity, so avoid it wherever possible.

Not Work Safe: Do not post any adult situations (sex, drugs, violence) in the communities. Post them in your character journal under an LJ cut tag and label them as "NWS" (Not Work Safe). Folks can get into trouble for viewing questionable content at work. Don't get them in trouble.

Absence: If you don't have time to play out a scene, neither does your character. Don't start things you can't finish. Make sure everything you're involved in gets sorted out properly, even if you have to slow play it. Why? Continuity. Headache. Etc.

Deleting Threads/Comments: Deleting completed threads/logs is a big no-no without admin permission. It screws with continuity. Headache. Please don't do it. Deleting comments in a thread in progress should only be done if all players involved have given their permission and should only be done in case of accidental godmodding or mistakes that need to be corrected. Otherwise? Please don't do it.

Interplayer Conflict
Player Problems: If you have a problem with another player, try to sort it out between yourselves like rational adults. If that doesn't work, bring the matter to the admins and they'll mediate.

The Rumor Mill: Don't spread rumors. It leads to panic when panic isn't necessary. When it's time to panic, we'll let you know. Private OOC correspondence (either in chat or email) is confidential. Don't go quoting it to other people out of context. This is especially true for administrative correspondence. If you think something needs repeating, ask the person who said it if it's okay first. Otherwise? Don't do it.

Plot Specific Guidelines
Pregnancy Plots: Don't use pregnancy as a plot lightly. Babies are not disposable. If you do intend on having your character become pregnant (female or asexual reproduction only unless mpreg is canon for your character), you are expected to carry through with it logically and correctly and your character will be sent home in their third trimester for their parents to deal with. There WILL be a baby and you WILL be expected to keep and care for it if you return to the game. BABIES ARE NOT DISPOSABLE. If you're going to have a kid brought onto the scene, your character will be expected to deal with it *all the time*. There goes their social life.

Pets and other animals: If you have one, take care of it. That means feeding, playing, mentioning it once in a while. If you don't want to take care of it IC, don't have it.

Big Damn Plots: If you're going to run a plot that will affect more than a few people, you have to run it past the admins first. There may be external factors that you're not aware of that could mess with your plot, so check in and get it cleared before going ahead.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Administration
Who to Contact: For school matters, appeal to bigdamndean, drywitmartini, overlord_zordon or agent_principal. For town matters, appeal to _red_xiii_. All are contactable at

What the Admins are Here For: We’re here to serve the game. We took over administrating this game because we love it so much. We have only the best interests of the game at heart. You are more than welcome to come and talk to us about anything, but please be aware of a few things.

* We will not intervene in a situation that only one side is aware of. Try to work out your differences yourselves first. If that doesn’t work, then you can come to us.

* If you have a problem with one of the admins, tell a different admin and the situation will be worked out just like any other player conflict.

We’re the gophers, the bookkeepers, the diplomats and all of the other stuff that needs to be done so you guys can play. We try to keep track of everything, but we’re only human (despite our characters), so there may be some information missing. If your question isn’t answered here or if you’re in doubt about anything, ask one of us. We’re here to help.

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