Dec 03, 2016 16:26
... not to be confused with the normal Saturday brainstorming post that went up earlier.
Hi, folks! Sign-ups have closed, now it's time to brainstorm! You're all good to go, so consider your sign-ups okayed. This post is here for a couple of things:
- Coordinating backstories between villagers and the newly-hollowed or already-bemonstered;
- Setting up fights between regular folks and monsters or regular folks and bosses;
- Anything else you might want to play with.
Note to anyone signed up as a fighter and/or a boss: We have selected two bosses to include in the finale and contacted those players accordingly. Anyone who signed up as a fighter will be distributed across these two bosses and EVIL ZOE, with the first two fights happening on Saturday - preplayed - and the last one happening on early Sunday morning, also preplayed.
That means anyone signed up as a fighter can already expect one fight. It also means that if you applied for a boss and you weren't contacted by us, you... can still play a boss! Either by posting your boss in open posts across the BDE, or by hooking up with any would-be fighters who'd like a crack at a boss outside our finale path, right here in this post.
If that doesn't make sense... ocd up!