Danger Shop - Detention [6/24]

Jun 24, 2006 08:52

As the students enter, the Danger Shop appears to be a mostly empty room with a half circle of chairs in the middle.

The focal point of the half circle is a large white board which has a list of names on one half. The other half is covered at the moment.

Marie D'Ancanto
Timothy Desmond
Walter Dornez
Tyler Durden
Kaylee Fry
Phoebe Halliwell
Charles Kawalsky
Jamie Madrox
Setsuna Sakurazaki
Nadia Santos

Once everyone has arrived, Veronica begins briefing them.

"I don't know what you guys did to earn detention today and frankly, I don't care. Today we're going to solve a mystery and you're going to put someone else's well being before for your own."

She uncovers the other half of the board, which has a list of information about a missing girl, including a physical description.

"The girls' parents believe she has run off with her boyfriend and don't want to involve the authorities. It's your job to find her."

[omg, wait for OCD is up! Sign In Here cause I forgot to put it first.]

[ETA: IC you'll be released at 5pm FHT. OOC, you're done once you complete all the tasks]


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